What Happens if You Eat Weed Wax?

Weed or cannabis wax is a relatively new yet very popular and potent product. If you have found yourself reading this article, you probably have heard of it or even purchased your first weed wax product. 

Even though you presumably know that cannabis wax should be consumed by dabbing or vaping, you have no doubt wondered what happens if you eat it. 

Luckily, there’s an answer to everything. I will tell you what happens if you eat weed wax and, even more importantly, should you eat weed wax. 

Is it best to consume this concentrate orally, or are the familiar consumption methods better and safer? Can you expect the same effects when eating it, and will you get high? 

If you are eager to reveal all about weed wax and need assurance before putting some of the melted wax in your mouth, let’s begin. 

What Happens if You Eat Weed Wax

What Happens If You Eat Weed Wax?

In short, you won’t get the expected effects. Why?

Well, weed wax is made for dabbing or vaporizing. These two methods have been proven best regarding weed wax consumption. The process of heating the wax is most appropriate, and the produced smoke, when inhaled, has tremendous impacts. 

For dabbing, you will need a dab rig and a torch. The heat from the torch will activate the wax’s compounds. 

Eating the weed wax probably won’t harm your health, but you will waste the precious substance. And, let’s be honest, weed wax isn’t cheap. Therefore, if you want to feel the most desired outcomes of weed wax and get immensely high, I recommend following the apt methods of consumption. 

However, there’s one trick if you are into eating weed wax. I will reveal it to you, and I must tell you, it doesn’t involve raw weed wax. 

Cooking with weed wax

When you can’t stop thinking of eating weed wax, and at the same time, you don’t want to spend your money and eat the raw wax just because it’s seducing you, I have a solution.

To consume the weed wax orally or through eating, you must cook it first. 

As we learned above, concentrates such as weed wax need high-temperature heat for their cannabinoids to be activated and fully potent. And you can achieve that through cooking or, even more precisely, baking. 

How to do it

Before creating your recipe and starting your journey in the kitchen, ensure that a third-party lab has tested the weed wax you use.

Afterward, you must measure everything perfectly.

First, you must be aware of the number of servings. Secondly, you must have the precise weight of your concentrate and be familiar with its THC amount. 

When you have all this info at hand comes the main part. In particular, you must do some calculations. Read this carefully!

Start by multiplying the concentrated weight by the amount of cannabinoid. When you have your number, multiply it by 1.000. And lastly, divide the last total by the number of servings. When you do all this, you will have the exact amount of THC per serving. 

But that’s not all!

Before mixing the ingredients, you have to decarb the wax. Don’t worry, I will tell you how!

Preheat the oven to 200°F. Use a baking sheet and cover it with parchment paper. Put the weed wax in the middle of the baking sheet and bake for around 20 minutes. Make sure that you don’t burn the wax. When the wax starts bubbling, it’s time to remove it from the oven. 

The wax you have now can be added to your edibles, and enjoy eating it. 

Benefits of Weed Wax Edibles

Now that you have learned how to cook or bake with weed wax, I want to tell you the benefits of your homemade weed wax edibles. 

Weed wax is good for use in the kitchen because it’s highly potent, gives a good flavor to food, and it’s easy to use. 

As you may be aware, weed wax can have an amazing THC level, sometimes up to 90%. That means the edibles you cook will be very powerful, and you won’t need to overstuff yourself to get the desired effects. Plus, you will consume the whole package of cannabinoids and terpenes, which might be great for your well-being. 

Also, when using weed wax in the kitchen, you won’t get the grassy flavor of cannabis in your food. Because you aren’t using plant material, your dishes shouldn’t have weed flavor and odor. That’s why you should label them to avoid any unwanted consumption. 

And ultimately, weed wax is very straightforward to use, in contrast to weed buds. It mustn’t be utilized in big quantities, and it can even be infused with butter, oils, honey, et., and consumed later. 

Also read: How Long Does One Hit Of Dab Pen Last

Types of Weed Wax

You have surely heard that some people use a different and unique name when referring to weed wax. That’s because the types of weed wax differ according to their consistency. 

You can come across dabs, shutters, budders, or even crumbles. But they all are made from highly powerful THC concentrate, and the only distinctive factor is their texture. For example, budder is similar to butter and can be lumped together. In contrast, the shutter is hard and can’t be lumped but can easily be broken into pieces.

Dabs’ name comes from their consumption process, called dabbing. Therefore, all of the cannabis extracts that are dabbed can be referred to as dabs. 

In the end, it’s important to know that weed wax is an oily, buttery, or saucy substance that contains no plant material. 

Don’t confuse weed wax with THC oils or tinctures. These products are either distillates, use alcohol extraction, or are diluted with additives. As a result, they are much less potent than weed wax. In short, they are completely different products. 


I believe you now understand what happens if you eat weed wax. When you don’t care about the concentrate and your money, you can surely eat it, but don’t expect it to buzz you and get you stoned. 

However, I have also informed you that there’s a way of eating weed wax, but you must follow the instructions above if you want to undergo its astounding advantages. Or, in short, you must preheat it and add it to your favorite cookies or another dish that comes to mind.

Otherwise, you can always inhale some of the wax’s smoke and delight in its unique composition. With dabbing, you will get stoned with no doubt, and maybe you will even change your mind about eating weed wax.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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