The 2018 Farm Bill has given an opportunity to all people who want to enjoy the psychoactive effects of cannabis to do so safely and legally. Of course, that same bill indirectly opened a lot of businesses as many companies jumped at the opportunity to produce hemp-derived products in multiple flavors and designs.
So, the market offered naturally occurring cannabinoids with similar properties like THC and CBD in a short period, including Delta 8, Delta 10, CBN, HHC, Delta 6a 10a, and others. Given that the customers always look for more exciting products, the companies decided to go a step further and introduce THC-O, the new cannabinoid that we’ll discuss in this THC-O buying guide.
THC-O isn’t very popular compared to the other well-known and advertised cannabinoids. So, it’s important to note that we’re going to cover every detail regarding this compound and answer as many questions as possible. Of course, this article is based on thorough research and the science behind chemically obtained substances.
THC-O Buying Guide
If you research online and check the articles written on this topic, you’ll notice that most articles talk about the gray area where THC-O is placed. Also, the writers usually talk about the potential effects and disadvantages of using THC-O products.
Of course, we’ll cover all those questions because we have a slightly different story to tell. However, we’ll also try to answer several questions that are missing in most of the articles. We understand that scientists still have work and many analyses to do, but that doesn’t mean that writers can’t share the research made so far.
So, let’s begin!
What Is THC-O?
The first thing you should know about THC-O is that this cannabinoid is not naturally found in plants of the cannabis family. Unlike the other compounds, such as the cannabinoids we have mentioned in the introduction or other hemp or marijuana-derived flavonoids and terpenes, THC-O is a product of a chemical procedure made in a lab.
So, THC-O is an acetate ester that can be synthesized from THCA (Tetrahydrocannainolic acid) or from THC itself. Even though it isn’t extracted from marijuana or hemp plants, THC-O is a synthesized cannabinoid that belongs to the THC family and produces psychoactive effects.
So far, scientists have spent most of the time studying, analyzing, and creating THC-O out of Delta 9 THC. However, this cannabinoid can be produced from other isomers of the THC family, including Delta 8 and Delta 10. Besides THC-O acetate, other esters are also known to the scientists, such as THC-O-phosphate, THC hemisuccinate, and THC morpholinyl butyrate.
A brief history
We often refer to this cannabinoid as a new discovery on the hemp market. In fact, as you have probably noticed above, scientists have discovered and analyzed this compound long ago.
They made different variants that included various solvents, tried different temperatures for heating the solutions, and synthesized the compound with various acids. Most experiments were done in order for the scientists to find a solution to the poor bioavailability of THC.
However, THC-O-acetate was first investigated and analyzed as a potential non-lethal weapon in the 1950s. Sadly, the experiment included dogs, and the study showed that the cannabinoid had impacted the dogs, especially their muscle function, more potently than the standard marijuana-derived THC.
Furthermore, in the 1980s, there was an incident in Florida where a man was caught producing THC-O for illegal sale. However, given that the entire process requires chemistry skills and equipment, and it is very difficult, there are no other incidents like that in Florida.
The compound was far away from the eyes of the public until the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Both scientists and hemp manufacturers agree that the 2018 Farm Bill puts THC-O in a gray area because the bill allows the production and usage of hemp and hemp derivatives.
How Is THC-O-Acetate Made
As we mentioned before, THC-O-acetate can be produced by THCA, which is the predecessor to THC. The creation process includes blending the THC acid with an already prepared mixture of sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride, which is where the cannabinoid gets its name.
However, to be compliant with federal law and the regulations set by the 2018 Farm Bill, the manufacturer first has to obtain hemp extract from industrial hemp plants with no more than 0.3% of THC by dry weight. This procedure is called extraction, and it usually involves a solvent.
The obtained extract is CBD. After obtaining CBD, the manufacturer has to convert the compound into THC, and most of the time, companies decide to alter the cannabinoid’s molecular structure and thus, obtain Delta 8 THC.
The procedure we initially explained strips down the Delta 8 molecules, meaning the solvents eliminate all terpenes and flavonoids found in the cannabinoid. The sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride make a blend that, once administered to the cannabinoid and heated, create a chemical reaction. Thus, a thick and potent THC isolate called THC-O-acetate is made.
If you’re interested in finding out more about acetic anhydride, its structure, features, properties, and uses, you can find the entire compound’s profile on this link: Acetic anhydride PubChem.
What makes THC-O special?
The unusual chemical structure of THC-O acetate confers special characteristics. When combined with an acetate molecule, it becomes much more potent than THC. THC-O’s distinctiveness is highlighted in the following ways:
It is fat-soluble
THC-O has no water solubility, like other cannabinoids from Cannabis Sativa. Fats are filtered out of our bodies in a second process. To enter the bloodstream, fat-soluble compounds must go through different processes than water-soluble molecules. The difference in solubility causes less THC to enter the bloodstream, especially in the brain. On the other hand, water-soluble nutrients do not require the additional filtration step, so more nutrients reach the bloodstream.
It is strong
Want to find out everything there is to know about THC-O acetate? Here we go – it’s potentially 3 times more potent than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). An important factor is that it forms an excellent chemical bond with small acetate molecules.
You may be wondering why so many people are turning to this powerful cannabinoid for their medicinal needs. People want to include it in their daily wellness routines and recreational purposes.
It may give you the same effects as THC pills or oil. You should start with lesser doses of THC-O if you’re a novice user. Once you’ve become used to how your body reacts to a certain dosage, it’s easy to up the ante, so start slow and work your way up.
It is spiritual
Nearly everyone who has used THC-O has described it as a meditative experience. THC-O goes into overdrive when it becomes biologically active. THC-O does not have a psychoactive effect, making it suitable for use in the great outdoors.
What THC-O may offer:
- Creativity is boosted
- Self-reflection without the constraint of a couch lock
- Other beneficial effects
How to pass a drug test after taking THC-O
Despite several detox beverages and other miracle treatments claiming to assist you in cleansing your system in only a few hours or days to pass a drug test after taking THC-O, there is no perfect way. Be wary of these items, as they may include potentially harmful substances and yet be ineffective. Before your drug test, you should do the following to improve your odds:
Stop taking THC immediately
When you find out you’re going to be subjected to a drug test, it should go without saying that you should stop consuming any THC products immediately. Detoxing your body for a longer time can yield better outcomes.
Increase hydration
Increase your water intake in the days leading up to the test. Drinking water or other hydrating beverages rather than sugary sodas is generally beneficial for your health. Drinking too much water the day before your test will dilute your pee, so keep this in mind. This may necessitate a retest in some situations. This may be considered fraudulent if you take the test for legal reasons, such as probation.
Eat hydrating, detoxing foods
According to some sources, diets high in antioxidants and fiber can aid the body’s natural purification process. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables during your detox to speed up the process.
Benefits of THC-O
Research into the effects of THC-O on certain bodily systems is currently ongoing, and its link to cannabinoid receptors has yet to be fully understood. However, we know that users and industry experts who have experimented with the substance have noted specific features.
THC-O may enhance creativity
THC-O-acetate and THC-O products have been found to boost the creativity of many people, particularly those involved in creative endeavors such as writing, painting, or even solving an issue at work using a creative approach. There’s no reason why we can’t use a legal type of mind-altering to get our creative juices flowing again.
Intoxication with THC-O, as with other forms of THC, might alter your perspective, allowing you to see things from a new perspective. To achieve this effect, THC-O stimulates problem-solving cannabinoid receptors in the brain, which are normally inactive owing to stress, mental exhaustion, and routine.
A spiritual experience
THC-O-acetate has been dubbed “the spiritual cannabinoid” because of its unique euphoric characteristics beyond those of other forms of THC. It could be useful for those looking for a spiritual awakening. Your spirituality may even benefit from the use of goods like THC-O vape cartridges and THC-O disposables, which provide a sense of ease while also allowing you to feel more connected to nature and other people.
One of the most common outcomes of a spiritual encounter is a sense of oneness with the world and being supported or directed by a tremendous otherworldly force. If you wish to elevate your spiritual activities to a new level, THC-O may be a valuable supplement.
A psychedelic experience
Psychedelic effects are possible with THC-O-acetate compounds, making it distinct from other cannabinoids found in cannabis. An encounter with a psychedelic drug goes beyond the standard THC-induced high.
There is the possibility of moderate visual or auditory hallucinations and cognitive patterns that would not be possible while sober, with THC-O, as with other psychedelic medications such as LSD and psilocybin (psychoactive mushrooms). Even when the high wears off, the user’s expanded perception of reality and the mind’s ability to process information can linger.
Inner work and introspection
THC-O-acetate may serve as a shortcut to the introspective work that many of us need to do. The high created by THC-O products may allow you a rare opportunity to enter inside your minds and reflect on your experiences, mental patterns, and habits while opening you up to the prospect of making positive adjustments that help you evolve.
Negative habits and emotional trauma may be softened by THC-O, allowing you to alter your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in positive directions. When you are sober, your ideas and actions are more set in stone and based on habit, making it more difficult to go deeper and examine the potential of change.
May provide relief from aches and pains
For the time being, there are no studies examining the effects of THC-O-acetate on aches and pains. However, many customers report significant relief, which is understandable. For one thing, cannabinoids, in general, have been linked to reducing pain and inflammation because of their effect on cannabinoid receptors.
THC-O, a more potent cannabinoid, has the potential to have higher pain-regulatory effects. Because of its interaction with CB1 receptors in the neurological system, the euphoric qualities of THC-O products may also temporarily desensitize the brain to pain signals.
Other potential therapeutic uses
A cannabinoid, THC-O, will likely have further medicinal benefits identified by researchers shortly. There are cannabinoid receptors throughout the body that are unique to each system, and all cannabinoids can bind to these receptors. Therefore, we’re eager to learn more about THC-O products and what they can do for us beyond their euphoric effects.
THC-O Product Types
As with the other cannabinoids, the hemp manufacturers produce and sell various products with THC-O-acetate. The goods may differ in potency, smell, and flavor, which is why we recommend you research before going on shopping.
As mentioned previously, the product type is one of the factors that have an impact on the potential effects, and thus, it may determine the dose you’ll take. Let’s check a few products with THC-O and how they work.
THC-O gummies
Cannabis consumers often choose gummies as a product type of choice. We assume the gummy edibles are so popular because they’re pre-dosed, and the users can easily keep track of the dose they use. Keeping track of the dose is very important, especially when it comes to strong cannabinoids like THC-O-acetate.
How much THC is in THC-O gummies?
The market offers diversity. It is truly remarkable how manufacturers manage to deliver products in various potencies and strains within weeks after a newly-discovered cannabinoid.
So, we can’t guarantee you that you’ll find these exact gummies, but the chances are big given that there are numerous THC-O manufacturers. Usually, they offer edibles with around 25 milligrams of THC-O per gummy.
While you’ll have to read their lab reports to see how much THC they hold, they shouldn’t contain more than 0.3% of THC since, in that case, they would be federally illegal.
How many THC-O gummies get you high?
We think that eating gummies is the easiest way to keep track of the dosage you’ll take. Given that THC-O-acetate is a really powerful cannabinoid, we recommend you start really low.
It is also crucial not to rush into another dose. Many users make this mistake because THC-O takes more time to produce effects compared to the other cannabinoids. This is especially the case with edibles because much more time is needed for the edible to dissolve.
It first has to go through your digestive system and then through your bloodstream, compared to smoking THC, for instance, which needs minutes to start working.
Usually, manufacturers offer potent edibles with 25 milligrams of THC-O per gummy. We recommend you eat half a gummy or less than that because the dose for producing mild to moderate psychoactive effects is around 3-10 milligrams for digestive products.
How long do THC-O edibles stay in the system?
If you want to know how much time you’ll experience the effects after consuming THC-O edibles, we can’t tell you for sure. As we mentioned before, scientists have yet to discover how our bodies react to THC-O in detail.
They also can’t tell for sure how much time the effects will last. Moreover, there isn’t scientific evidence that can show whether those effects are short or long-lasting.
The one thing we can tell for sure is that your body doesn’t get rid of the THC-O once the effects stop. Even if the effects wear off in a couple of hours, your body will still hold an amount of THC that can easily be detectable on a drug test.
There are various types of tests that can be used to determine the presence of THC in the body. For instance, according to the research, saliva tests can detect THC within 1-3 days of usage. THC-O edibles may stay in your blood for around 3-4 days, and they may be detected in your urine within 30 days of usage.
THC-O tinctures
We assume you’re already familiar with this product type. Using tinctures is a commonly known way to consume cannabinoids, and THC-O is not an expectation. THC-O tinctures are considered a safer way of consuming THC-O because they don’t contain cutting agents and don’t have to be heated like vapes or buds to be used.
How to use THC-O tincture?
First, we’ll give you the same advice as before – start with a low dosage because this cannabinoid is considered much stronger than the others. As for the ways you can consume the tincture, you have several options.
Usually, tinctures come in bottles with droppers for dosing. You can take a drop (we recommend less than half a drop) and put it directly into your mouth. Although that’s a popular consumption method for CBD and Delta 8 tinctures, we think that you don’t have to place the THC-O drop under your tongue and hold it for a while.
Additionally, you can put a drop into your beverage or add it to your meal. Many people use tinctures topically. So, we assume you can also apply a THC-O tincture to your skin.
THC-O concentrates
THC-O concentrates are already available on the market. Even though there are multiple forms of concentrates of the other cannabinoids, THC-O dabs are available the most. We assume manufacturers soon will provide shatters, budders, and crumples.
The dabs are not so preferred for usage because they are very potent and can be harsh. However, many customers are willing to give them a try.
How to smoke THC-O dabs?
You can smoke THC-O dabs the same way as smoking other cannabinoids. You’ll need a piece of equipment called a dab rig, specially designed for smoking concentrates. Also, you can use a bong or other type of bowl.
THC-O vape carts
Many manufacturers produce vape carts that are pre-dosed with THC-O vaping juice. That’s because vaping is one of the regularly used ways to consume cannabinoids. There already exist thousands of vape carts with CBD, Delta 8, HHC, Delta 9, and other cannabinoids. Logically, the companies haven’t waited for too much to invent THC-O vape pens.
It’s important to note that even though vaping can be a fun and easy way to get high, there isn’t sufficient scientific evidence that proves THC-O vapes’ safety. On the contrary, carts are considered the least safe method of consumption so far.
We assume that the experts recommend not using carts because we don’t have enough information about this cannabinoid. The manufacturers may use purifying methods that don’t work, meaning after the procedure, the oil will remain contaminated, which may be dangerous when the product is heated.
Also, laboratories specializing in cannabis analyses don’t have full panels regarding THC-O yet, and thus, they can’t conduct a full-panel analysis. They can only make cannabinoid profiles to confirm the structure of the product and the THC presence inside.
THC-O rechargeable disposable vapes
Rather than using a vape cart, you can use disposable vaporizers that contain THC-O. A battery and associated vape cartridge are included in these all-in-one vaping systems, and they’re ready to use right out of the box. No charging or refilling is ever needed. To replenish the e-liquid, the user just swaps out the cartridge.
Disposable THC-O acetate vapes come in various strains and e-liquid formulas, just like vape carts do. Variable voltage, found in many vape pens that use vape cartridges, isn’t available on these devices.
THC-O vape oils
Alternatively, bottled THC-O vape oils are e-liquids with active milligram levels of THC-O-acetate and propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and sometimes flavorings are options for vape enthusiasts. They’re designed to be used in refillable tanks or cartridges, not pre-filled ones or disposables. Therefore they’re only compatible with those types of devices. A wide range of milligram strengths is normally available so that consumers can choose how intense the effects are for each vaping session.
THC-O flowers
Pure THC-O-acetate extract is utilized to produce THC-O flower, a raw hemp flower bud. An additional benefit of this method is that it allows the consumer to enjoy both an entourage and THC-O effect. Strain possibilities are plentiful, and many love the adaptability of flowers because they may be smoked in any of many ways: in a pipe, rolled paper, or in a special vaping device.
THC-O dabs-wax
All dabs, including THC-O, are incredibly strong because they are naturally concentrated compounds. To inhale the vapor, the product must be flash-vaporized in a dabbing device such as an electronic dab rig or a traditional dab rig. Because of the higher quantities of chemicals in dabs, THC-O’s effects are more potent than those of other cannabinoids, and dabbing is not recommended for novices.
Tetrahydrocannabinol is the form of THC-O-acetate and is already quite potent (THC). Wax and shatter dabs are the most frequent, with wax having a waxy consistency and shatter having a brittle, glassy appearance.
THC-O capsule
Capsules of THC-O have not yet been on the market, but we expect them to be because many people prefer this delivery method shortly. As with other cannabinoid-based capsules, the THC-O capsules include a pure THC-O extract likely diluted in an optimal carrier oil for administration. For individuals who want to avoid sweets and prefer something more easily absorbed by the body, capsules are an excellent alternative to candies.
THC-O and other cannabinoids
THC-O is gaining traction among users looking for a stronger high. However, the search for more potent THC strains is nothing new. Many people don’t know this, but a higher potency doesn’t always mean greater outcomes.
It was recently reported by famous cannabis researcher Dr. Ethan Russo that the intensity of THC-O could overwhelm the body’s endocannabinoid system because of its extreme potency and rapid absorption. Less is often more when it comes to cannabis.
“Potent is a nice-sounding word. It’s important to note that the endogenous cannabinoid system in the body is quite complex. As a general rule of thumb, when you’re utilizing a substance to stimulate the system, you don’t need something as powerful as THC to get the job done. So, potent is not necessarily better.”, he continued.
In our opinion, users already have an abundance of high-THC strains at their disposal. THC-O is merely extending the boundaries of what is possible. It is said to be three times as potent as ordinary THC. THC strains are already so powerful, this is a formula for disaster, especially for inexperienced THC users. Using this stuff to get high is the only conceivable motive for doing so.
When ingested as an edible, THC-O, according to some theories, may act as a prodrug. To put it another way, once the liver has processed it, it may transform into another form of THC, such as Delta-9 THC.
THC-O vs. Delta-8
The former is six times more potent than the latter, with THC-O three times stronger than THC and Delta-8 just half as psychoactive as THC. THC-O has a calming effect, while Delta-8 has a more stimulating effect on the body and mind.
THC-O, a THC hydrogenated derivative, is thought to be four times as potent as HHC. Anecdotal evidence suggests that both THC-O and HHC compounds have a greater sedative effect than THC.
Is THC-O safe and legal?
THC-O acetate, like HHC and Delta-8 THC, is derived from federally-protected hemp and enjoys the same legal safeguards. Tincture or oil cartridges for vaping are two ways to get your hands on it. Online purchases of THC-O are legal.
The chemical components are unstable while isolated, but when united, they become stable. However, despite the absence of studies on THC-O acetate, there is no reason to believe that it is unsafe. Most users say the high is similar to Delta-9 or Delta-8 THC, although it is much stronger. THC-O acetate products that are third-party lab-verified for purity and potency are recommended.
THC-O-Acetate – The Basics
So far, studies show that THC-O can produce more potent effects than Delta 9 THC. The compound is a thick oil, and it is ethanol-soluble. It doesn’t have any flavor or smell. Thus, it can be used as an active compound in the formulation of various types of products.
It is very important to remember that scientists are still analyzing this cannabinoid. So, even though some hemp manufacturers advertise their THC-O products to have specific effects, we can’t know for sure if that’s the case.
Until researchers discover more specifics, we can’t truly know and thus, understand the specific properties of this chemical cannabinoid. However, we do have some studies showing that THC-O bonds and stimulates the body’s receptors similarly to the THC.
THC-O potential effects
Below we will talk about several products made with THC-O and the effects they may produce. However, before we start with the details, we want to share with you some information we have found regarding the cannabinoid’s effects discovered so far.
THC-O may produce effects thrice more potent than the standard THC. While more studies and people’s experiences are needed to make a conclusion, the research so far shows that this cannabinoid can produce strong psychoactive effects, even psychedelic ones.
It is believed that this compound has greater bioavailability, meaning the body absorbs a larger amount of it than Delta 8 or Delta 9. Also, it is a prodrug, which means that it’s inactive until your body metabolizes it.
THC-O may deliver a strong high that may bring both sedative and euphoric feelings, depending on the dose you’ll take. According to some consumers, the cannabinoid may produce mild hallucinations, which is why THC-O is often referred to as the psychedelic cannabinoid.
How Does THC-O Make You Feel
Positive effects
Although more data is needed, research so far shows that THC-O may be beneficial for the user. You may experience mind and body high, buzz, joy and happiness, relaxation, increased creativity, and euphoria.
When it comes to medical properties and benefits, little is known. However, studies show that THC-O is a promising cannabinoid and someday may even be considered as an alternative to certain medicine.
According to the customer reviews, many people say that they find THC-O very helpful. They reported that the cannabinoid helped them with muscle and joint pain. Others say that THC-O helped them reduce stress and anxiety levels. Also, we found reviews from people who say that the cannabinoid helped them improve their sleep.
Side effects
If you consider the potency of the cannabinoid, you may logically assume that it comes with potential side effects too. We can’t tell for sure if those side effects are short or long-lasting because more data is needed. However, we can tell that some customers experienced adverse effects from using products with THC-O.
You should keep in mind that effects, whether positive or negative, depend on multiple factors. The products may work for you differently compared to other people. Moreover, they may work differently each time you consume them.
Some of the potential adverse effects include grogginess and lethargy. You may also feel nausea and even seizures. In some cases, using THC-O may lead to vomiting.
How Much THC Is in THC-O
If you buy products with THC-O-acetate made by reliable manufacturers who follow federal laws and regulations, the products won’t contain more than 0.3% of THC, as this rule is set by the 2018 Farm Bill.
However, keep in mind that THC-O is a prodrug. This term is used for compounds that have an inactive structure for a while. To clarify – after you take the product, whether by smoking or orally, your body will take some time to metabolize the cannabinoid.
During this period, THC-O basically gets rid of the “O”. The compound is no longer an acetylated version of THC. Once your body absorbs it, the only psychoactive compound left will be THC itself. However, the effects may be much stronger than consuming a standard THC form.
That being said, we have to include another section about THC-O dosage.
How Much THC-O to Get High
The right dose needed to get high depends on multiple factors. Regardless of the cannabinoid you want to use the dose will depend on your body weight, height, metabolism, tolerance, body hydration, nutrition, and other factors.
Since THC-O is a similar cannabinoid to standard THC, the dose required for the product to work will also depend on the factors we have mentioned. However, you should always keep in mind that THC-O is considered to be three times more powerful than regular THC. Therefore, it would be unwise to take too much to feel more intense effects.
Another important thing to remember is that this cannabinoid is not fully researched. Although studies don’t mark this compound as dangerous, scientists don’t have enough evidence to conclude whether THC-O is entirely safe. So, if you want to consume it, we strongly recommend you be extremely careful, at least until further research is done.
Given that the effects and the amount needed to get high also depend on the type of product you will be using, we’re going to discuss the commonly-used product types and talk about the recommended dosage for each product. Thus, we hope through this THC-O buying guide you can find the most suitable product for you.

How much THC is in a THC-O pen?
There are cartridges and vape pens with no THC at all. Of course, you’ll most likely buy a pen with no more than 0.3% of THC because the manufacturers have to respect the law, at least they should.
However, you should keep in mind that even if you buy a cartridge or a disposable vape pen with less than 0.3% THC, it doesn’t mean the product is weak. On the contrary, THC-O will become pure THC once you consume it. The compound that will hit you and get you high is THC, and it probably will be much more potent than consuming a regular Delta 9 cart.
So, we recommend you try some other products, like gummies or tinctures, especially if you’re a beginner because you can track the dose more easily. However, if you still want to vape, you should be really careful because THC-O carts and vape pens are nothing like vaping CBD, Delta 8, and even Delta 9.
Read More: How Many Hits Are in a 1 Gram Vape Cartridge?
How to vape THC-O?
This is a very important question, especially for those of you who don’t have vaping experience. Vaping is one of the most popular methods of consuming cannabinoids. That’s because vapes come in numerous strains with delicious flavors and start to work within minutes after taking a puff.
Usually, the user takes two or three puffs and holds them for several seconds before inhaling. Of course, the number of hits depends on the user’s tolerance and the potency of the extract in the cart.
However, THC-O is not like the other cannabinoids we already have used so far, mainly because the compound is still new, and more studies are needed. Moreover, the cannabinoid is a result of a chemical reaction and lab work that includes a highly flammable chemical.
That said, we think that we all have to wait for a while before vaping, at least until more studies are conducted. Still, if you want to try vape carts with THC-O, we recommend you forget everything you know about vaping so far.
Since the cannabinoid is very potent and not investigated enough, you should buy vapes from a trustworthy manufacturer. Also, we suggest you take smaller puffs and hold them for shorter than using vapes with other cannabinoids.
How long do THC-O carts last?
We included this question in our THC-O buying guide because we think it’s an essential one, and its answer depends on multiple factors, including the company’s trustworthiness. As with any other product, the shelf-life of THC-O-acetate products depends on the quality and longevity of the ingredients found in that particular item.
According to the studies so far, THC-O can expire after two years. However, the products contain other ingredients that can reduce their longevity. For instance, gummies can last longer if they are made with artificial fruit and vegetable extracts.
Vape carts should not contain any compounds that can decrease their shelf-life. They should contain vaping juice made from hemp-derived cannabinoids and plant terpenes. If that’s the case, research so far shows that the vapes will last for around two years.
However, as with everything going on about THC-O, more analyses and tests are needed. Moreover, some poor-quality manufacturers can add cutting agents to the vaping juice to enhance the thickness of the liquid. If that’s the case, you can’t be sure about the expiration date of the product. Moreover, you may even experience side effects as a result of a contaminated vape cart of questionable quality.
Related: How to Charge a Disposable Vape Pen
How much are THC-O carts?
Even though every company has its own prices, vape carts containing THC-O-acetate can be bought for around $30. Of course, this price is not carved in stone. We looked through the websites of multiple manufacturers, and they all had similar prices ranging from $31 to $37.
However, we can’t guarantee that you’ll buy a THC-O vape cart at that precise price because many other companies in this business may have different offers. Even some of the websites we have visited had multiple offers, including bulk shopping discounts and other promotions.
That being said, we recommend you do your own research before making a purchase. However, keep in mind that the price is not the only factor you should consider when shopping.
The cost you’ll pay should not even be among the most crucial factors, especially if you’re interested in THC-O carts. Many things can go wrong when using uninvestigated cannabinoids. So, it’s always better to buy from a reliable company, even if that means paying more money.
Will THC-O show up on a drug test?
Humans can break down the THC-O molecule, similar to how they break down Delta-9 THC. Even if you ingest different substances, your body will still exhibit signs of consumption when tested, regardless of how they differ when consumed. It’s more likely to fail a drug test because THC-O is more potent and easily absorbed by the body.
How to use THC-O distillate?
There are various ways to use THC-O distillate. By manufacturing a handmade vape cartridge, THC-O distillate can be vaped. Or you can dab THC-O distillate straight. THC-O distillate can be added to edible concoctions if inhalation is not suitable. Many people manufacture their THC-O gummies, sweets, and baked products.
But it’s vital to understand that THC-O distillate is highly strong. Seriously, it’s significantly more potent than any other THC-O product. So, it’s crucial to take utmost caution when measuring how much you truly need to utilize.
How long does THC-O high last?
THC-O will most likely get you high even if you have built up a THC tolerance. The one thing we know for sure is that the products take longer than regular THC to kick in because this cannabinoid is a prodrug.
As for how long the high will last, we can’t give you a precise answer. The effects will last depending on the product type and the dose you’ll take. According to the studies so far, you may be high from 4 to 10 hours. Of course, this may vary.
How long does THC-O stay in your system?
Even after you feel sober again and the THC-O effects stop, the compound is still present in your system. As with everything about this cannabinoid, more studies are needed to determine how long THC-O stays in the body.
Multiple factors can affect this process, including the consumption method and the usage frequency. However, research so far shows that this cannabinoid can stay in the system for 2 to 25 days. Of course, this may vary since every part of our body functions differently and has a different memory. That’s why drug tests may also vary depending on the sample taken.
How long does THC-O stay in urine?
This is an extension of the previous question. Employers often use urine drug tests because they’re easier and cheaper to buy. Also, they’re often accurate. Even though we don’t know how much this cannabinoid will stay in your urine, we can tell you that urine drug tests look for the THC-COOH enzyme, which can be detected even several weeks after consumption.
How to sober up from THC-O?
If there’s a drug test you have to take soon, it’s best to avoid consuming THC-O at all. Numerous articles tell readers that they may sober up from THC and other cannabinoids by drinking water, lemon, and apple cider vinegar. There were other recipes too.
Even though we do recommend taking a lot of water to avoid dehydration, we don’t believe you can sober up just like that. So, drink plenty of fluids (not alcohol) and make sure to eat properly. The effects will wear off in a couple of hours. If you feel nervous, it’s best to call someone to keep you company since a sober person can give you a sense of security and calmness.
Would you think of giving THC-O a try? That would be an excellent choice to experience different cannabinoids’ effects and benefits. This cannabinoid promises a lot, but we think sticking to the natural cannabinoids it’s better for now, at least until more scientific data is available.
Nonetheless, if you decide to try this three-times-more-powerful-than-Delta-9 cannabinoid, we hope our buying guide about it answered at least some of the questions you had. We also promise that we’ll do an update if and when new studies about THC-O-acetate arrive.