How to Charge a Disposable Vape Pen

Disposables have evolved into one of the most dependable and convenient methods to enjoy a vape session without worrying about charging, cleaning, loading, or changing parts. This is perfect for minimalists and those who are always on the go and have little spare time.

It’s important to remember that once a disposable vape pen has been used, you shouldn’t try to open, recharge, or use it in any way. Still, if you’re interested, keep reading to learn how to charge a disposable vape and discover the advantages of disposable vapes.

How to Charge a Disposable Vape

What Is a Disposable Vape?

A disposable vape is a compact, non-rechargeable device that is already pre-charged and contains e-liquid. The main distinction between a disposable vape and a rechargeable mod is that you don’t have to charge or refill disposable vapes, and you don’t have to buy new coils. The disposable model should be discarded once the battery is depleted.

However, the most aggravating aspect is that most disposable vape pens still retain a significant amount of e-liquid in their tanks when the batteries die.

This implies that a disposable vape pen will continue to create enormous vapor clouds even after the battery has died. As a result, the subject of how to charge a disposable vape emerges.

You may recharge the battery of a disposable vape battery to vape the leftover e-liquid using a few different methods.

How to Charge a Disposable Vape

Benefits of a Disposable Vape

More economical

You, like any other consumer, are concerned about the cost of your vaping habit. The cost can be substantial if you purchase milder vape pens or stronger vape pods.

A good quality vape pod should cost between $50 and $150 and should last for roughly 1 to 2 years. You must also include the overhead and maintenance costs for recharging and replenishing it. Regular cleaning stresses you out, causing you to expend time and energy.

Nonetheless, disposable vape pens, which range in price from $3 to $8, make things considerably easier. You simply buy it, vape it, and then throw it away when it’s finished. When you realize that it costs less than a dollar, there isn’t much of a fuss.

Less harmful than combustible cigarettes

Is it safe to use disposable vapes? Disposable vape devices do not generate tar or carbon monoxide, two of the most dangerous elements in tobacco smoke. It’s also been proven that vaping is 95% less dangerous than smoking.

The average disposable e-cig is thought to be much safer than a traditional cigarette. If you want to quit smoking, picking up a disposable vape in a flavor you know you’ll like could be the best option.

Portable and convenient

The most convenient method to smoke and get the optimum burst of nicotine is to use disposable vapes, which have a soothing taste. Disposable vapes are small, lightweight devices that can be carried in a bag, purse, or backpack.

It is quite straightforward, and you can utilize it without difficulty. Its tiny size makes it ideal for traveling. It is small enough to be taken with you anywhere. The most convenient method to smoke is with a high-quality disposable vape that provides all of the benefits of vapes while removing their drawbacks.

Leak-proof technology

No one can enjoy their enjoyable vaping experience if there are annoying vape flavor leaks. Because disposable vape pens are created and built as leak-proof vaping units, they spare you from shame. They have anti-leak tank technology, ensuring that all of your valuable vape flavors stay inside the reservoir.

We sometimes underestimate the quantity of vape flavor that is lost in the event of a leak within the tanks, disregarding the disappointment it creates. Simply switch to disposables to put an end to this annoying situation once and for all.

Environmentally friendly

People will purchase a product simply because it has an “environmentally friendly” label on its packaging. What else could you desire when you can fulfill your vaping demands without harming the environment? They are, however, disposable and have been designed to be environmentally friendly.

They’re also anti-leak and recyclable, allowing vape manufacturers to collect, recharge, and resell the device. This is incredibly beneficial for saving time and money for businesses.

How to Charge a Disposable Vape

  • A little flathead screwdriver, tweezers, and an old Bluetooth speaker are all you’ll need. Remove the circuit board and dismantle the speaker. Remove the battery, and you’ll have two hanging cables to work with. Alternatively, you may turn an old USB cord into a charger. 
  • Examine the bottom of the vape pen, where you will likely notice a tiny gap near the bottom. Using the flathead screwdriver, gently lift the device’s cover. The inserted tank and battery may be seen within the case.
  • Pull this component slowly out of the way, but don’t entirely eliminate it. Simply ensure that the sensor and cables are visible. Keep track of how these wires are connected since you’ll need to reconnect them after recharging your gadget.
  • Remove the tape that was keeping the wires in place and attach them to the speaker circuit’s terminals. If you don’t connect the colored wires correctly, you risk entirely damaging the device.
  • Put tape on the wires to keep them from moving while the device charges. Give it 5–7 minutes, and then try to smoke it.
  • Charge the vape pen for another 7 to 10 minutes if the clouds it creates aren’t as thick as you’d like.
  • Even if the pen still has e-juice, the battery will often let you make roughly 100 puffs before it runs out. But that’s not always the case. However, you can run out of e-juice even if the battery is still charging.


We believe we have given you a prominent solution on how to charge a disposable vape. Always remember not to clamp down or hold the charger in place with metal or any other material that conducts electrical currents.

This will always result in a complete circuit between the battery terminals, causing the battery to explode. Always remember that the purpose of a disposable vape is for it to remain disposable.

Usually, the time and effort you put into the activity aren’t worth it. Going out and purchasing a complete kit with a variety of flavors would be a better option.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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