Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds in cannabis plants, and they have become so popular that all kinds of products are getting filled with them.
HHC is one of the many cannabinoids which bring extraordinary benefits. Its full name is Hexahydrocannabinol, and it can be found in hemp in very small amounts.
The most interesting thing about it, and the thing by which the HHC is most recognizable, is the way that it perfectly balances the euphoric feelings and relaxation it provides.
You can find this cannabinoid in all kinds of hemp goods. There are HHC edibles, vapes, pre-rolls, oils, flowers, and even cigarettes on the market.
If you’re not sure which product might be the best for you, this HHC buying guide will give you an explanation for a few of them and also many other details and info, so at the end of it, you’ll know which product to purchase and what to expect from it.
HHC Overview
HHC products are quite new on the market, so their info is pretty limited. But, worry no more, because absolutely everything there is worth knowing about it is packed in this HHC buying guide.
The most asked questions, and the essential details about this unique cannabinoid, will be covered in continuation.
So, not only beginners but also regular users can find the answers to many things. You’ll learn what HHC is and how it’s made, everything about the type of high it provides, how long it stays in the body, and what HHC products there are.
You’ll also learn how to flush the HHC out of your system, the potential benefits and side effects of this cannabinoid, and lots of other interesting and crucial stuff.
So, without any further ado, let’s start.
What Exactly Is HHC?
HHC is the latest cannabinoid that can be found in hemp but in very tiny amounts. Because there are hundreds of different cannabinoids, you may ask yourself: “what makes the HHC so special and better than the others”?
Well, HHC is different because it manages to balance the feelings of excitement with the feelings of calmness and, at the same time, has the power to relax both your body and your mind.
To be even more precise, HHC has existed since 1944, when Roger Adams, a chemist, added hydrogen to Delta 9 THC. The use of products filled with HHC results in a unique high, which will be a slightly lighter high than what Delta 9 provides, and the best thing about it is that, even when you’re high, you’ll stay clear-headed.
How Is HHC Made
As previously mentioned, HHC can be found in hemp but in very small quantities. Those small quantities of HHC are extracted from the hemp with the CO2 extraction method, which preserves the purity and the potency of the cannabinoids. But that’s not nearly enough, so the HHC must also be made in a lab.
Everything starts from THC. THC gets converted into HHC with a process of hydrogenation. This means that the double bonds in the THC are getting broken, and they become unstable.
Then, the hydrogen must be added for their stabilization. The hydrogenation process must be implemented because the natural amounts of HHC are small, and a significant advantage of hydrogenation is the prolonged shelf life of the HHC compared to THC.
Simply put, HHC is, in fact, THC minus the double bonds in its structure. THC can also be converted into HHC using acids, but this is already an outdated method.
Today, companies make their HHC with hydrogenation. And it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Delta 8, Delta 9, or Delta 10. Each of them can be transformed into HHC.
HHC and the High It Provides
How long until the HHC high kicks in?
The high from HHC will kick in approximately 20 to 30 minutes. And that mainly depends on what HHC product you’re consuming.
For example, if you’re using vapes, just 10 minutes are enough for the HHC to start acting and for you to start getting high. But, if you’re eating HHC gummies, it might take up to one hour for the HHC to start working.
If you’re a newbie and still don’t know how high your tolerance is, it’s always good to wait an hour or two for the effects, no matter what kind of HHC-filled product you’re using. That way, you’ll avoid taking more than what your body can tolerate.
How much HHC should you take to get high?
The HHC dosage for getting high varies from person to person, and also, there are many other factors, like age or weight, that can affect the effects, but there are some general rules that can be applied on what’s the proper dosage.
If you’re trying HHC-filled goods for the first time ever, consuming a smaller dose is the best way for your organism to get used to this cannabinoid. The general recommendations are:
- 5 to 10 milligrams for beginners
- 10 to 30 milligrams for intermediate users
- Over 30 milligrams for advanced users.
Anything between 5 to 10 milligrams of HHC will be just enough, whether it’s gummies or carts you’re planning to try.
As you’re getting used to its effects and your organism builds up a tolerance, you’ll know when it’s the right time to increase the dosage. Just do it slowly and gradually until you reach your ideal dose.
You can try consuming up to 30 milligrams if you’ve already tried this cannabinoid. But if you regularly use it, you probably already know that you can experiment with over 30 milligrams doses.
If you’re still not sure, always read the manufacturer’s instructions and adhere to the recommended dosage written on the package.
How long does the HHC high last?
HHC is a psychoactive cannabinoid, so expect to get high when using hemp goods filled with this cannabinoid.
The high from the HHC usually lasts from two to four hours, but keep in mind that many factors, such as your tolerance and weight, can make the high last longer or shorter. Either way, there’s no doubt that the feeling is pretty interesting and that you’ll have fun using this cannabinoid.
Because vaping HHC starts to act quickly, the effects last a shorter amount of time than those from eating HHC gummies, but still, there’s no doubt that you’ll greatly enjoy its consummation.
- The high from HHC gummies can last for up to 8 hours
- The high from HHC vapes can last up to 3 hours
- The high from the HHC tinctures can roughly last between 4 and 5 hours.
Difference Between THC and HHC
People often confuse HHC with THC, so the difference between them must be included in this HHC buying guide.
Although HHC is made from THC, this cannabinoid doesn’t contain any of it. And even though the effects of HHC are pretty similar to THC, they aren’t the same. HHC will also get you high, but that high will be a lot smoother compared to the high that THC provides.
What’s important to know is that the HHC is more potent than CBD but less potent than the Delta 8 THC and that the HHC starts acting quickly compared to THC.
Also, the chemical profile and the chemical structure of the HHC and THC are very similar but not the same.
The double bonds are one of the differences between them. THC has them, and HHC doesn’t. Another difference between these two is the fact that HHC has a longer shelf life than THC.
What Does HHC Do to Your Body
HHC binds with the CB1 receptors in the central nervous system and relaxes and calms the whole body and the mind.
The euphoric feelings it provides are accompanied by happiness and motivation, and you’ll mentally feel amazing. You might even feel more focused and more creative.
Some people have noticed that many of their physical pains were reduced, so that’s also a possible outcome of the HHC for your body.
How does HHC make you feel?
The HHC high is very similar to the high that Delta 8 provides and, of course, lighter than consuming Delta 9, but it’s still strong on its own.
Many users claim that their mood has significantly improved thanks to this cannabinoid. You’ll feel joyful, relaxed, and happy.
The HHC high is euphoric, and you’ll feel happy and energized but calm at the same time; this combination of feelings makes the HHC so popular among the users.
How Long Does HHC Stay In Your System
Of course, the HHC stays in your system, even after you ingest it and the effects have passed, and the time frame can be shorter or longer depending on many things.
It’s only understandable that the more regularly you consume the HHC, the cannabinoid gets harder to be flushed out of your system.
Now, let’s take a look at how long the HHC actually stays in your organism and your urine.
HHC in your organism
Remember that even though you don’t feel high, the HHC cannabinoid is still in your body. The metabolites in your organism break down the HHC, but that’s not as quick as you might think.
The same as the other cannabinoids, HHC can stay in your body for up to 25 days. So if you have an upcoming drug test, be careful because the test results will be positive.
If you’re using the HHC daily, it’ll take at least a minimum of three weeks to get this cannabinoid out of your organism. The HHC will still be detectable earlier than that, especially if you’re consuming higher doses of it.
Related: How Long Does Edible CBD Stay in System
HHC in the urine
The use of urine tests in order for the presence of psychoactive substances to be determined is a very common method.
Even though the primal way that the HHC gets flushed out of the body is through the urine, the traces of HHC can stay in it several weeks after the consumption, so be careful.
Some other tests for determining the HHC in the human body can be done through the saliva, the blood, and the hair (which is pretty expensive, so it’s not very common).

HHC Products
Although the brands have recently started to use the HHC cannabinoid in their products, already lots of HHC products are available for purchase on the hemp market. You can find almost everything; gummies, tinctures, oils, flowers, cartridges, dabs, etc.
This HHC buying guide wouldn’t be complete if the available HHC products weren’t included in it. In continuation, there are simple explanations of the most used HHC goods on the market and some interesting things about them.
HHC gummies
The HHC gummies look just like any other regular gummies, so you can eat them whenever you want to. Usually, they’re very discreetly packed, and no one will know what kind of gummies you’re consuming.
How many HHC gummies will get you high?
The gummies are the most popular edibles rich in cannabinoids. The hemp market is full of HHC gummies, and the users love it. And what’s there not to be loved? They’re sweet, delicious, and very discreet. The general rules about the dosage of the HHC gummies that can quickly get you high are:
- Low dose between 5 to 10 milligrams for beginners
- Medium dose from 10 to 30 milligrams for people who occasionally enjoy HHC
- High dose from 30 to 60 milligrams for experienced users.
The HHC gummies come in different potencies. You can find a gummy with 10 milligrams of HHC in it or 25 milligrams.
Determining the HHC dosage when consuming gummies is very easy to do because you know precisely how much HHC one gummy holds.
If the gummy is very potent, you can always just eat half of it. If it’s still strong, you can cut it in half and consume just a quarter of it.
How to properly keep the HHC gummies?
You might think that you don’t have to pay attention to your gummies, but you’re wrong. The most important thing you should pay attention to when it comes to maintaining your gummies properly is to never let them be exposed to high temperatures, and you must never let them under the sun or in heated places. The heat will melt the gummies, so you won’t be able to use them anymore.
So, always keep the package in a cold place, or even in your fridge if you have to for their condition to remain the same.
How long do HHC gummies stay in your system?
The most commonly used HHC edibles are the HHC gummies, which can be pretty potent. It takes more time for the organism to metabolize edibles, so as a result, the HHC can stay in your system for 3 to 12 days. It all depends on the amount you’ve ingested and your tolerance to HHC.
If you regularly use higher amounts of the HHC, then the cannabinoid will stay longer in your body, but if you use HHC gummies recreationally, then you might be able to get rid of it quicker.

HHC carts
Vaping HHC is the quickest way for someone to get high, so if your goal is to do that, this is the perfect product for you.
How to vape HHC carts
If you’re vaping HHC for the first time, pay attention to the length of your inhales. Your puff should be short and last no longer than 3 seconds as a beginner. You should wait at least 15 minutes after it to see how you feel. If you don’t feel the effects, you can take another puff.
The HHC vape cart is a pretty simple device to use. The first thing you’ll need to do is connect your cart with the battery. By pressing the on/off button, you should turn on the device, and that’s it; the device is ready for use. Hold the same button pressed down and draw from it when you want to take a puff. After you finish using it, simply hold down the on/off button, and the device will be turned off.
An HHC vape cart is a stylish electronic device that comes in various flavors, so you’ll have plenty of fun choosing and trying different ones. Also, the carts are easily portable, so you can always take them with you anywhere you go.
How much are HHC carts?
The vapes are a favorite method of ingesting the HHC by people who love to smoke. And the choice of flavors and strains is endless. The prices of HHC carts vary depending on the brand that produces them and their quality.
If they’ve been lab-tested, made from natural, organic, pure, and potent ingredients, and don’t contain chemicals and dangerous substances, of course, the prices will be higher. So, for example, you can find HHC cartridges that cost $20 up to $50 and even more.
But still, the HHC cartridges are affordable, especially if you buy them online, because many brands have lots of discounts. For example, some brands give discounts to the people who are buying from them for the first time.
Some brands offer to subscribe to their vapes, which gives a discount that sometimes can be even 25% off the price, no matter if you subscribe to getting the vape monthly or weekly.
Also, you should always check if you can purchase the vape in bulk, allowing you to save more money.
How long do HHC carts last?
Depending on how you like to vape and how often you use it, the HHC cartridge can provide you with anything between 150 and 400 puffs.
If you’re an experienced user with a high tolerance of the HHC cannabinoid, who likes to enjoy its carts daily, a cartridge can provide you roughly around 150 puffs and last you maybe two weeks.
But, if you’re using the cartridge recreationally, or you’re a beginner and just starting to use it, you probably will take two or three short and quick puffs per day; so you can get 300 or even 400 puffs out of one cartridge, making the vape cart to last you for months.
How to properly keep the HHC carts?
HHC carts are easy to maintain, but a couple of tips will help you keep them longer and reserve their potency.
You must keep in mind to always place the cartridge upright. You must never leave it lying down or place it on its sides. The liquid might spill, and the cart will be unusable after that.
Leaving the HHC cartridge under the sun or in any warm place is a bad idea because there are high chances that the heat will degrade its potency. The room temperature is the ideal temperature for you to keep your HHC cartridge.

HHC dabs
How to smoke HHC dabs
HHC dabs are very potent and strong concentrates, so if you haven’t tried HHC ever in your life, think twice before buying a dab. The more experienced consumers usually use them with a high tolerance to this cannabinoid.
Dab is also known as wax, so in order to inhale it, you must first heat the strong concentration to produce vapor. Then you need to inhale that vapor, but to do that, you’ll need an oil rig, which is a small glass bong. You’ll instantly start feeling the effects.
HHC tincture
How to use HHC tincture
The use of HHC tinctures is pretty straightforward. The first way to use an HHC tincture is directly by placing the drops in your mouth under your tongue. After that, keep them for around 15 seconds, and then swallow them. This is the most common way of using the HHC tincture, but it’s not the only one, and that’s what makes the tinctures interesting to use.
The second exciting way to use an HHC tincture is to mix a few drops in your food or in your beverage. You can drop the HHC over your salads, for example, or mix it in your favorite drinks like teas or coffees. Don’t worry; the HHC will preserve its benefits no matter how you decide to consume it.
Getting Rid of the HHC in the Body
If you have an upcoming drug test or any other reason that makes you want to get rid of the HHC in your body, there’s a way to do that. This HHC buying guide covers a couple of tips that might help you do that.
How to flush HHC out of your system
The simplest thing you can do is to use detox drinks. They’ll speed up the time that your body needs to get rid of the HHC. The duration depends on the amount of HHC you’ve taken.
The most important thing is to stay away from products rich in cannabinoids if you need to take a drug test.
To shorten the days needed for the HHC to be entirely flushed out of your body, you’ll need to pay attention to your water intake. Also, include a regular exercise routine in your life and consume more healthy, natural, and plant-based foods.
How to sober up from HHC
To sober up from the HHC high takes time, so give this process time. But, if you take too much HHC and want to sober up and do that quickly, a couple of tricks might help you do that.
If some unpleasant effects occur, like feeling nauseous, the best thing you can do is to relax. Lie down, close your eyes, and try to use some relaxation techniques.
For example, start to breathe slowly and deeply. This can significantly help you to reduce those effects.
Distract yourself
Another thing you can do is to find a way to distract yourself from thinking about those uncomfortable side effects. You can play your favorite music or play your favorite TV show. You’ll immediately forget those feelings, and they’ll already be gone when you remember them.
Drink water
It’s always a good idea to drink something. But, when talking about drinking something, that should be water, and in no case should you drink coffee or alcohol. Those things might only make you feel worse.
Consume lemons
The limonene in the lemons can also help you sober up from the HHC and provide you with calming effects.
If you can chew the lemon, do that, but if you can’t, you can squeeze the lemon and mix the lemon juice with water. This will quickly get you back to reality.
Physical activity
Even though you might not feel like going for a walk, do that. Go outside or to the nearest park and take a 15-minutes walk. The clean and fresh air will clear your head, and the unpleasantness will decrease.
If you really don’t feel like walking, get up and do some light exercise. If nothing else, you’ll get in a better mood.
And of course, the best way is to avoid getting too high, which you can do by adhering to the recommended dosage and listening to your body.

Where Can I Find HHC Products?
Even though the HHC goods are newer on the hemp market, you can find them in almost every store that sells cannabinoid-filled products.
For example, you can try and find them in your local cannabis store. You can also find them online. Many brands have already inserted their HHC goods in their product offer, so you can simply enter a brand’s website and choose the HHC goods you want to try.
When buying online, you have a lot more choices than going to the store, and you also have access to more info, such as the lab results, the comments from the customers, etc.
Benefits of Using HHC
When you start to use HHC-filled goods regularly, the high is not the only thing you’ll get from them.
So, get ready to reap some of the other potential benefits that the regular use of the HHC can bring you. The things you might expect to get are the following ones:
- It might improve your focus and concentration
- It might calm the anxiety feelings
- It might soothe and alleviate your pains
- It might improve your sleep
- It might improve your mood
- It might calm and relax you
- Your creativity and motivation might increase
- It might lower your anxious feelings
- It might relax your muscles
- It’s possible to increase your appetite.
Side Effects of Using HHC
HHC is absolutely safe for use, and that’s why its popularity is constantly growing. But, it’s safe as long as you don’t take too much and stick to the proper dosage. If you don’t, you might suffer some side effects that are unpleasant and uncomfortable. The good thing about them is that they’re temporary. Those side effects can be the following ones:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Thirst
- Loss of appetite
- Rapid heartbeat.
Don’t worry if some of these things occur because they’re not dangerous to your health, but they’re all harmless and will quickly pass. Those side effects won’t last long, but they’ll definitely ruin your experience, and why do that when the effects and the high provided from HHC are truly unique.
Hopefully, now you’ve learned the essential things regarding this unique cannabinoid. Because it’s totally safe to consume, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
Choose the product you want to try the most, whether it’s a vape cart, delicious gummies, or anything else filled with HHC. There’s no doubt that you’ll absolutely enjoy the flavors and the advantages it’ll bring you.
Save this HHC buying guide and use it whenever you’re thinking about purchasing some kind of HHC goods or if some question arises.
And don’t overthink, but go on and treat yourself as now you know absolutely everything there is about HHC and how harmless but advantageous it can be.