We often hear conversations like “No, that’s not weed, that’s Delta 9,” or “Delta 9 and THC are the same.” We also frequently run into questions, such as “Are Delta 9 and hemp the same?”
It seems like the cannabis family, its members, properties, and effects are difficult to understand for many people. We, of course, blame history and the laws that prohibited these plants for many years.
Given that the situation is different now and the market regularly launches new products, we decided it’s time to create an article about THC that will sort things out.
Our Delta 9 buying guide is a combination of research and the answers to the most commonly asked questions on this topic.
Let’s begin!
Everything You Need to Know About Delta 9
To create our THC buying guide, we had to do research. The research had several stages, starting from reading scientific and medical papers, reading about the history of the cannabis plants, learning about the THC chemical structure and its connection with the other cannabinoids, and analyzing its effects. Our research also included collecting users’ experiences.
Given that these days the Internet allows us to learn about everything, many reviewing teams and content writers have created articles regarding this subject.
Moreover, we’re very glad that numerous respected manufacturers have included educational blogs on their websites with informative articles.
While most of the questions are answered, and you can find information online, numerous questions need to be discussed and answered.
That’s not surprising, given the fact that people have regained more interest in cannabis over the last few years, even though the plant has a long history.
Before deciding to write our guide, we wanted to collect all the commonly asked questions from the people who are still not answered or answered incorrectly.
Of course, we’ll try our best not to bother you with unnecessary info that you have already read somewhere else.
What Is Delta 9?
In order to start the story properly, we have to talk about what Delta 9 is because we have found out that many people still have trouble understanding or don’t know anything about this compound.
First of all, THC is a cannabinoid, and cannabinoids are naturally found compounds that have the ability to bond with the receptors in our endocannabinoid system.
Cannabis plants contain numerous cannabinoids, of which around 120 have been discovered so far. We found many articles that say that Delta 9 is the same as THC. This is partially true!
Here’s why: THC is an element with a complex structure, and it contains multiple structural forms. Of course, these structural forms are very similar, but their differences result in their properties and the effects they can produce.
One of those THC variants is Delta 9 THC, making Delta 9 a THC analog. You may have heard of the other variants, including THCV, THCC, THCP, Delta 8, and Delta 10.
However, besides THC having multiple variants, Delta 9 is often referred to as the same as THC because it’s the most abundant THC analog and some of the most abundant cannabinoids in cannabis, the other one being CBD.
How is Delta 9 made?
We noticed that many articles answer this question incompletely and a bit incorrectly too. The articles we have found (and went through a million of them) don’t explain the exact process of the THC creation in the plant.
Most of them talk about how hemp manufacturers create Delta 8 through a chemical reaction. The thing is, they often explain things too generically and often incorrectly.
Therefore, to answer this question, we decided to include both stories. We’ll try our best to explain the procedures the manufacturers are using.
But first, we’ll talk about the process occurring in our mother nature that results in THC.
From THCA to THC
Since all plants produce numerous compounds to survive in the environment and protect themselves, cannabis plants are not an exception.
Cannabis plants produce numerous compounds, including Delta 9 THC, which is responsible for protecting the plant against the sun’s rays and insect invasions.
As we said earlier, Delta 9 is the most popular and abundant form of THC found in cannabis plants. That’s why this cannabinoid is commonly known as THC, while the other forms have to be called by their real names to avoid confusion.
To understand how Delta 9 is produced in the cannabis plants, we have to start much earlier and look at the cannabinoid’s origin. The cannabis plants initially produce cannabigerolic acid, also known as CBGA.
An interesting fact is that CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. However, as the plant grows, CBGA converts into CBDA and THCA, two acids we’re very familiar with, one of which is psychoactive.
After the formation of THCA ( Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid), another natural process occurs, influenced by environmental factors and the aging of the plant. This process is called decarboxylation, and it is the point when THCA becomes THC.
THC manufacturing
As we explained above, THC is a naturally-occurring cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. When manufacturers want to use it, all they have to do is extract the compound from the plants.
There are numerous methods of extracting, but lately, the most popular one includes the CO2 gas as a solvent. Of course, not all companies use CO2 extraction, but this method is considered an excellent choice because, unlike the other methods, it is non-toxic, non-flammable, renewable, and doesn’t require a very high temperature.
However, when it comes to THC manufacturing, that is, producing THC in a lab, people usually have the isomerization process in mind. First, you should know that this isn’t some dangerous procedure. In fact, lab isomerization is a scientific method that mimics nature.
Since the law allows products produced with hemp-derived cannabinoids, manufacturers use isomerization and convert CBD to Delta 8. This process includes alteration in the CBD’s molecular structure, where the double carbon bonds are dislocated and rearranged to become Delta 9.
How Much THC Is in Delta 9
The answer to this question is a bit complicated. First, hemp and marijuana contain different amounts of THC, the former containing from near 0% to 0.3% by dry weight. Therefore, to determine how much THC is in Delta 9 products, you should first know whether they’re made with hemp or marijuana extracts.
The 2018 Farm Bill made hemp-derived cannabinoids legal on a federal level. So, assuming that you’re using a legal product, the same contains less than 0.3% THC.
However, this content may depend on multiple factors, including the reliability of the manufacturer.
How Much Delta 9 Does It Take To Get High
This question is closely related to the previous one. We included both questions because even though there are many articles explaining THC content and the effects produced by Delta 9, almost all of them consider THC content and THC potency to be the same. That’s not completely correct.
You have to understand that the THC level in one product does not determine its potency, i.e., how it will affect the user. How much you’ll get high depends on the ability of the THC variant to bond with the receptors of your endocannabinoid system.
For instance, you may take a larger amount of THCV, and it will not get you as high as taking Delta 9 because the former has a 3-term side alkyl chain, while the latter has a 5-term chain.
With its 5-term alkyl chain, Delta 9 is considered a highly potent cannabinoid because it can go through the brain-blood barrier, increase the receptors’ activity, and thus, produce psychoactive effects.
Delta 9 dosage
Now that we have determined that Delta 9 is a highly potent and effective analog of THC, we would like to share with you some generally accepted dosages regarding this cannabinoid.
According to the users’ experiences, a regular dose that has been generally accepted is around 10-25mg of Delta 9. However, please keep in mind that this is not a law. The dose works for most people, but that doesn’t mean it is the right dose for you.
If you’re a beginner, you should always start with a lower dose. We recommend you take as little as 5 mg and stick to this dose for a while. Your body will tell you whether you should increase the dose or not.
What Does Delta 9 Do to Your Body?
All cannabinoids produced by cannabis plants can bond one way or another to our endocannabinoid systems, and Delta 9 is not an exception. This system is essential in our bodies, and it is responsible for multiple processes.
One of the main responsibilities of our ECS is to provide balance, including optimizing hormone levels, appetite, temperature, pain management, and many more. The entire process is also known as homeostasis.
Our ECS includes two main types of receptors. The CB1 receptors are located in the nervous system, and they are responsible for producing psychoactive reactions to cannabinoids, such as Delta 9. Thanks to its 5-term alkyl chain, Delta 9 can interact with these receptors and thus, stimulate our serotonin system.
Given that this hormone controls our mood, plays a role in sleep, impacts digestion, and controls our feelings, we can say that Delta 9 impacts serotonin effects indirectly, and that’s how the well-known high is created.
How Does Delta 9 Make You Feel
We know that we have promised you that we’ll not include already-known information in our Delta 9 buying guide, as you can read those details everywhere else.
However, we sincerely think that the effects this cannabinoid may produce should be included in every guide so that people who don’t have experience learn about them before trying Delta 9 products.
You should know that numerous studies have confirmed that cannabinoids, including Delta 9, may positively affect our bodies and even enhance our health.
However, more analysis is needed, especially because both positive and negative THC effects vary from individual to individual.
Given that this compound can affect everyone differently, the text we wrote in this section is not a medical claim. It is only based on the people’s experiences reported so far.
As a psychoactive compound, THC may affect both the body and mind. When influencing the brain, this substance has the ability to affect cognition.
According to people’s experiences, many felt euphoric after consumption. They felt a change in their mood in a positive way, feeling happier.
Besides uplifting the mood, Delta 9 may also impact our senses and, thus, alter our perception. That’s why many people reported seeing the colors more vividly, and sensing smells more intensely. However, while the senses feel more enhanced, this is not the same as hallucinating.
The overall happy feeling may be presented in an altered perception of time. That’s why many users feel like time stops for hours even though only a few minutes have passed, or vice versa.
This cannabinoid may produce physical effects too. Usually, people feel an increased appetite, which is an excellent advantage for those having anorexia or other eating-related problems. Delta 9 may also provide muscle relaxation, discomfort reduction, and even pain relief.
Negative effects
The great thing about cannabis is that the effects it produces are not permanent, according to the experiences and studies so far. This means that no one has reported permanent changes or permanent effects, whether positive or negative, yet.
Since Delta 9 bonds with the receptors in our ECS, primarily with CB1, it may indirectly impact our bodies and stimulate negative effects. That’s why people have reported numerous side effects of consuming cannabis, including anxiety and increased stress levels, panic, and even paranoia.
It’s important to note that these effects are possible, especially if you’re taking larger amounts of THC. That’s why we recommend you start low and always regulate your dosage.
Even though there isn’t any scientific evidence that Delta 9 can harm our health and leave permanent consequences, studies suggest that this cannabinoid may cause ECS hyperactivity.
Delta 9 THC Products
As you already know, the market offers all kinds of Delta 9 products. Everyone can find a product that will suit their preferences for consumption method, potency, and strain.
Our Delta 9 buying guide includes this “Product” section with the goal of addressing some of the unanswered questions related to the most popular products.
Delta 9 gummies
How much THC in Delta 9 gummies?
Given the fact that the cannabis industry is enormous, many manufacturers produce Delta 9 gummies. Many of them even include various flavors and potencies of gummies in their collections.
That said, you can find gummies in multiple potencies, including 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg of Delta 9 THC, and many others.
It’s important to note that hemp-derived Delta 9 is federally legal, while marijuana-derived THC is legal in only several states for medical and recreational purposes.
Therefore, the gummies you’ll buy will most likely contain less than 0.3% THC to comply with the 2018 Farm Bill.

How many gummies will get you high?
We often run into advertising websites, paid reviews, and manufacturers who claim that their gummies are highly potent and will get you high. As with everything else regarding Delta 9, these statements are partially true because whether they’ll get you high doesn’t depend solely on the THC amount inside.
As we said earlier, everything between 10 – 25 mg of Delta 9 is considered an average dose suitable for experienced users.
However, whether you’ll get high depends on many more factors, including your metabolism, age, weight, hydration, the last time you ate, state of mind, etc.
If you’re not sure how much you should take, we recommend starting with 5 mg or half a 10 mg gummy, especially if you’re trying Delta 9 for the first time.
Please be aware that the gummies take more time to kick in. Therefore, you shouldn’t take another one if you don’t feel the effects within the first 30-45 minutes.
In fact, if you don’t feel a difference (which you’ll most likely do), we suggest you wait the next day to try a larger dose.
How long do Delta 9 edibles stay in the system?
It’s very crucial to note that how long the Delta 9 effects will last has nothing to do with how long the Delta 9 edibles will stay in your system.
Since they’re edibles, Delta 9 gummies take much longer to work compared to smokable products. However, your body also takes much longer to get rid of the compound.
How much time Delta 9 gummies will stay in your body depends on multiple factors. Firstly, the durability depends on whether you’re a beginner or a regular user. If you regularly eat gummies, your body will take more time to get rid of the Delta 9.
Faster metabolism
Furthermore, a huge difference can be made in the speed of your metabolism, as a faster metabolism will eliminate THC metabolites quickly. You should also know that the amount of fat you have plays a role because fat cells store THC.
Even though many researchers think that Delta 9 gummies can stay in your system for a few days, the statement lacks evidence.
We don’t know when these questions will be answered because it’s a very sensitive subject, and the results vary depending on the individual in question.
Be as it may, THC can be detected by a drug test even three months after consumption. But, we’ll talk about that later, as we have prepared a specific section regarding the subject.
Delta 9 vape cartridges
How much THC is in the Delta 9 pen?
Vaping Delta 9 is a very popular consumption method because it’s convenient, and vapes come in numerous strains and flavors. It produces fast effects, and it doesn’t require preparation.
As with the gummies, manufacturers produce cartridges and disposable vape pens in various potencies and strains.
Usually, the carts and the pens are 1 g, but you can also find bigger ones. The THC content in the Delta 9 carts depends on the manufacturing preferences of the company.
However, generally speaking, 1 g of cannabis holds around 200 mg of THC if the THC content is 20%. Around 40-70 mg of that 200 mg will make it to your lungs.
How to vape Delta 9 carts?
As we said, vaping Delta 9 carts is a commonly accepted consumption method because it is convenient, and you don’t have to prepare the product before using it.
The carts contain vaping juice, and if you buy a vape pen, you can attach another cart to it after you vape the first one.
If you don’t want to waste time changing vape carts, you can buy disposable vape pens. They’re pre-filled pens with an embedded vape cart that can’t be replaced after it’s empty.
The vaping process is quite easy. Usually, companies design easy-to-use vapes that can be activated with the press of a button. Some of them don’t even have a button. Instead, they can be activated directly by placing them in your mouth and inhaling.
If you’re a beginner, we recommend you start with one puff at a time. After you take a hit, you can hold it for around three seconds and then inhale it. Vaping is suitable for those who want fast results because the effects start within the first 10 minutes.
Still, each person is different, and you may not feel a difference right away. If that’s the case, wait for a while before taking another puff to avoid overdoing it.
How long do Delta 9 carts last?
So far, in our Delta 9 buying guide, you may have noticed that there’s a hidden pattern called “depends on multiple factors.”
Well, we know that there are many “If,” “When,” and “Whether,” but many things are not clear and scientifically proven yet. Therefore, we can’t claim anything, and we have an obligation to inform you as it is.
Your vape cart also belongs to this category when it comes to multiple-factor dependence. For starters, its capacity can make a difference, as well as the vaping frequency.
The vape carts usually have an expiration date of 1.5 years. However, if you’re not using it properly, it may expire much earlier. To prolong its life, you should protect it from heat and keep it at around 70°F (20°F).
Also, you should keep it away from sunlight in a dry and dark place. We also recommend unscrewing the cart from the battery and keeping it upright to avoid leakage.
How much are Delta 9 carts?
The prices for Delta 9 carts vary from $30 to $60. Of course, the price is determined by the potency and size of the cart and the strain. Also, the cart containers have different prices than the disposable vape pens.
Manufacturers set their prices depending on the quality of cannabis used to obtain vaping juice.
Of course, you should remember that sometimes you’ll only pay for the name of the brand, and that has nothing to do with the quality of the product.
How to Use Delta 9 Tincture
You’ll notice that we haven’t included questions about smoking buds or consuming other products, like capsules, pre-rolls, candies, drinks, etc. That’s because you can find numerous articles about Delta 9 flowers, and the other products are not so popular, and thus, people don’t ask many questions about them.
However, tinctures are some of the most preferred products because many people don’t want to smoke or vape. If you’re wondering how to use Delta 9 oil, we’re glad to tell you that you have multiple options.
The simplest way is to take one or half a drop and put it directly into your mouth, or hold it for a few minutes under your tongue and then swallow it.
However, if you want to make it more interesting, you can always mix the oil with your favorite beverage or meal. Additionally, you can also apply the oil to your skin and let your skin absorb it.
How to Smoke Delta 9 Dabs
Dabbing is more suitable for experienced users with a high level of THC tolerance who want to get high quickly. Dabbing includes inhaling a highly concentrated form of Delta 9, which may immediately produce effects. In that way, dabbing is not the same as smoking, given that you can’t possibly inhale such a large amount of smoke from joints.
If you want to dab Delta 9, you’ll need a specific piece of equipment called a dab rig, a device similar to a bong. The device usually requires water to circulate air and smoke through it and bring the smoke to the user.

How Long Does Delta 9 High Last
We think that you already have this answer, as we mentioned in our Delta 9 buying guide several times. As we said, how long you’ll be high depends on your metabolism, age, weight, fat mass, hydration, the last time you ate, and THC tolerance.
However, the consumption method is essential too. If you smoke Delta 9, the high will probably last for around three hours.
Vaping, on the other hand, has the shortest period of around two hours. The high from dabbing lasts for around 1-4 hours, tinctures for 4-8 hours, and edibles for 2-10 hours.
How to Flush Delta 9 Out of Your System
Even though some online “experts” state that you can flush out of your system 100% effectively, that’s not correct, especially if you’re trying to do it within a short period after consumption. They advertise some products and share recipes, but we think that’s a give-me-your-money trick.
It takes time for your body to completely eliminate THC, especially if you have taken a larger dose or if you consume it regularly.
So, you can help your body work faster with proper hydration and exercises that can speed up your metabolism.
However, keep in mind that this is not a solution. If you need to do a THC test soon, it would be best to leave Delta 9 until the test is over.
How to Sober Up From Delta 9
Sobering up is completely different from flushing your system. There are multiple activities you can do to help your body stabilize if you want to get rid of the Delta 9 effects sooner or if you don’t feel comfortable being high anymore.
If you take too much Delta 9 and feel overwhelmed, the first thing you should do is concentrate on something specific. You can walk around your house or backyard or do some chores. However, you should not do things that require reflexes or judgment, like driving.
Falling asleep can also make you feel better. The chances that you won’t be high anymore once you wake up are big. But, even if you’re still feeling the effects, they will be much weaker.
You can also try aromatherapy, given that many terpenes may produce calming effects. Many people recommend consuming black pepper because it’s high in caryophyllene, a terpene with relaxing effects. If you don’t like black pepper, you can try oregano or rosemary.
Another tip we recommend is regular hydration. According to some studies, Delta 9 can impact saliva and tear production, which is why we can experience dry mouth and eyes.
So, to avoid uncomfortable tingling in your mouth and a dry throat, you should drink plenty of water. Of course, you should not drink alcohol, as it can increase the THC levels in your body.
To be honest, some questions require particular articles so that we have enough space to discuss the specifics in detail.
But, our Delta 9 buying guide was supposed to include answers to the questions that were incorrectly answered or not answered at all.
We tried to include many details so that you can learn about a lot of important things before going on a Delta 9 shopping trip.
We hope that the entire THC story is clearer to you now. We also hope you had fun learning about the most popular cannabinoid in the entire cannabis universe.