THC has been gaining a lot of attention and popularity lately. Many countries worldwide are considering decriminalizing marijuana, so public discussions are starting to stir, and more people are becoming curious about the cannabinoid.
Though many other exciting cannabinoids are on the market, and most are already deemed legal for consumption, THC remains the most popular. With 30 different isomeric forms of THC, local governments have quite the opposite opinions about the consumption of tetrahydrocannabinol.
THC most usually refers to Delta 9 THC. For years it has been considered the most psychoactive cannabinoid, but with ongoing research, things are starting to change. With Delta 9 THC as the “standard” THC variant, which is already legal in some states, other THC isomers’ properties are often compared to the mother of tetrahydrocannabinol.
There are a lot of interesting facts about THC and much other information you must know before getting started with it. If you want to learn more about the legal status of the cannabinoid, the range of available products, and get dosage tips that will help you enjoy the experience, have a look at our THC buying guide.
What Is THC?
THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is a natural cannabinoid present in hemp and marijuana plants. It is the main chemical compound responsible for the plant’s psychological effects.
The cannabinoid acts pretty much the same as the cannabinoid chemicals produced by the endocannabinoid system, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse.
THC works by binding with the cannabinoid receptors concentrated in specific areas in the brain. These receptors are tightly related to vital bodily functions like thinking, memory, pleasure, coordination, time perception, etc. By attaching to these receptors and activating them, THC may alter your memory, movement, concentration, coordination, sensory and time perception, and pleasure concepts.
THC is mainly found in the resin secreted by cannabis glands. The plant’s glands are primarily located around the reproductive organs of the herb. Despite THC, the resin is also home to many other cannabinoids, including CBD, a non-psychoactive compound that usually blocks the high produced by THC.
THC Isomers
As we already mentioned, THC has around 30 different isomers. Isomers are compounds with the same chemical formula but distinct atom configurations in the molecule. Though this might seem insignificant, slight differences in the atom arrangements can call for vast differences in the chemical’s properties.
When talking about THC isomers, Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC are undoubtedly the most popular ones. The chemical difference between Delta 8, 9, and 10 is the location of the double carbon bond.
The Delta number specifies where the double bond is located. Therefore, the Delta 8 molecule has a double carbon bond between the 8th and 9th carbon atoms; the Delta 9 molecule has a double bond between the 9th and 10th atoms, and so on.
These chemical differences significantly impact how THC is manifested in the human body. While both Delta 8 and 10 are less potent than regular THC, studies reveal that scientists have extracted THC variants significantly stronger than Delta 9 THC. THC isomers have a lot of differences and similarities, so let’s take a closer look at what they offer.
Delta 9 THC
Let’s start with Delta 9 THC or traditional THC. It is the most popular psychoactive cannabinoid to this date. The compound is naturally abundant in the cannabis plant, making Delta 9 THC the easiest to acquire and distill.
The effects of consuming Delta 9 are pretty versatile and depend on the combined cannabinoids and terpenes featured. Therefore, you may use the cannabinoid for pain relief, relaxation, or contentment. As one of the most potent cannabinoids, Delta 9 THC offers intensive effects impacting pleasure, cognitive abilities, and thought processes.
Delta 9 is a hot topic of discussion as one of the most popular THC variants. However, it is still rigorously regulated and prohibited for use across most of the world, with a few exceptions, including the Netherlands, Canada, Georgia, Malta, Mexico, South Africa, Uruguay, 19 states, two territories, and the District of Columbia in the USA.
Delta 8 THC
Delta 8 THC, or legal THC, is the second most prevalent THC variant that stormed the American legal hemp market. The 2018 Farm Bill decriminalized most hemp-derived cannabinoids, making Delta 8 THC the favorite legal alternative for THC enjoyers across the United States.
Though no conclusive evidence confirms the difference in strength between Delta 8 and Delta 9, many experts claim that Delta 8 is 50% to 65% as potent as traditional THC. With the milder potency comes a mellow and more controlled high, which many users appreciate because it doesn’t impose any hefty outcomes like panic attacks or paranoia.
Delta 8 THC is legally distributed and purchased across most of the United States. However, around ten states have already regulated and prohibited the use of Delta 8 THC, despite its milder psychoactive properties.
Arizona, Delaware, Montana, Nevada, and Utah are a couple of the countries which already regulated, restricted, or banned Delta 8, while Alabama, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Oregon are currently reviewing the cannabinoid’s legal status.
Delta 10 THC
Research shows that Delta 10 is an even milder THC variant than Delta 8. Its legal status falls into the same legal gray area as the compliance of Delta 8. Though it is the mildest option of the three most popular THC variants, Delta 10 is still effective at boosting your mood.
With the lack of potency and the complexity of the extraction, Delta 10 is still a greenhorn on the market. It only occurs in naturally small quantities and is usually extracted using crude CBD or CBD isolates through extraction methods like CO2, hydrocarbon, ethanol, and cryo-ethanol extractions.
Delta 10’s properties resemble Sativa cannabis strains, making it a more uplifting alternative. As a result, Delta 10 may produce increased euphoria, better focus and alertness, and a boost of energy and creativity.
Being derived from hemp plants, Delta 10 is legal across most of the United States, where Delta 8 is also legal, but Delta 10 products are far more obscure and harder to come across. Still, if you find a reputable supplier, you can purchase many exciting Delta 10 products, such as edibles, oils, tinctures, and flowers.
How do you get THC out of your system?
After learning how long THC stays in your system, you are probably wondering if there’s a way to speed up the excretion process.
Several practices might help you eliminate THC trace amounts and detoxify. Fluids like water, natural fruit juices, and beverages are excellent for detoxification.
Exercise is another great option as it boosts your body’s metabolism and eliminates THC residues through sweat. In addition to exercising, a sauna is an excellent way to detoxify your body and eliminate cannabinoids.
Many store-bought products like pills, drinks, and even entire THC detoxification kits may help you eliminate stubborn THC.
So, this is the very end of our buying guide. We hope that you have learned helpful information. THC is one of the most exciting cannabinoids to which we have access. It comes in many different shapes, sizes, and flavor options, making it significantly harder to resist.
We hope your THC buying guide helped you learn about cannabinoids and select a suitable product.
Things You Should Know Before Purchasing THC
If the provided information made you even more curious about giving THC a try, you might want to start looking for a suitable THC product. However, we still want you to know a few things before purchasing a product.
To help you prepare for the incredible experience, we have added a couple of extra tips and tricks to the THC buying guide. They will help you determine the right product for your choice and teach you how to make the most of it.
Is there a way to end the THC high faster?
Safety precautions should always come first. Although most people are looking to extend their high, some people might want to cut things short.
With the popularization of THC, many people only discuss the advantages without mentioning the side effects. But the fact is that even if they are mild or limited, THC comes with some potential side effects.
Many users complain about panic attacks and paranoia kicking in while being high. In such cases, you will probably want to end the experience as quickly as possible. Though you cannot eliminate the effects, some things may help you reduce them significantly.
Take a nap
Sleeping is an excellent way to avoid feelings of anxiety and paranoia caused by THC. It gives your body enough time to process and eliminate the cannabis, meaning you will probably wake up refreshed and more alert.
Try black pepper
Research shows that caryophyllene found in peppercorn increases the sedating effects of THC, possibly promoting feelings of calmness. To calm down, you can try to chew whole peppercorns or take a sniff at the black pepper container without inhaling.
CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid that may counteract the hefty outcomes of THC. They interact with different receptors in the brain, so while THC causes the high, CBD offers a calming effect that may dull your high.
What is the duration of THC in your system?
All THC variants are detectable on a drug test, whether legal or illegal. Drug tests aren’t designed to separate Delta 8 from Delta 9 THC, so even milder trace amounts of Delta 8 in your system can show up on a drug test.
That brings a lot of attention to the time that THC stays in your system. Different products and potencies will linger in your system for various amounts.
The time that THC stays in your system depends on several factors. Some of these factors aren’t related to the cannabinoid itself. These include your age, gender, and body mass index. These factors affect how your body processes and metabolizes the drug.
The other factors related to the cannabinoid include potency and consumption methods. More potent options stay in your system longer, while ingested edibles remain slightly longer than THC that’s been smoked or vaped.
Generally speaking, THC can stay in your system for up to a couple of months. Hair follicle drug tests can detect trace amounts of THC up to 90 days after consumption.
Urine drug tests can detect THC for up to a month or longer. Saliva drug tests detect THC within 48 hours after consumption, while blood tests will test positive up to 36 hours after consumption.

The THC High
If you are curious about THC, your curiosity was probably stirred by the THC high. The feeling of “high” refers to specific effects produced by the psychoactive chemicals in cannabis. It is unique to everyone, as each body manifests the cannabinoid’s effects differently.
The most common responses from consuming THC, whether inhaled or ingested, include happiness, impulsiveness, and relaxation, but on the other hand, THC may cause anxiety, confusion, hunger, and panic.
Factors that affect your THC experience
There are a lot of factors steering the direction of your high. While the product’s properties play a significant role here, the experience is strongly affected by factors related to you as a consumer.
Your sensitivity, your surroundings, and your feelings about the people you are with make a significant impact on the high. Therefore, you might want to set the environment before using THC.
The THC concentration or the product’s potency plays a vital role in the overall experience. The more THC, the stronger the effects. Therefore, if you want something more pleasant and mellow, you should consider THC products with milder potency.
On the other hand, if you have a higher THC appetite and a well-established THC tolerance, you might need something more robust. In such cases, you should probably consider Delta 9 THC. If regular THC isn’t legal in your area, you can experiment with higher Delta 8 potencies.
How you consume THC also affects how the cannabinoid manifests in your body. Smoking, vaping, and ingesting all come with perks and drawbacks. For instance, smoking and vaping products deliver faster results than edibles and oils.
Though edibles are also an excellent choice, they often pose a higher risk of unintentionally consuming more THC, as they may take an hour or two to produce effects.
The THC high from inhaling the produce usually lasts between one to three hours. On the other hand, edibles take longer to kick in but also last for longer.
Frequency of use
Though a cannabis addiction is uncommon, consumers may become significantly dependent on THC. When taken regularly and at a higher concentration, people continue to extend their THC tolerance, continuously increasing the potency they need to produce the desired effects.
Therefore, people who often consume higher THC concentrations will experience less intense effects than those who occasionally experiment with the compound. That’s why beginners are usually recommended to lower THC potencies.
The potential outcomes
As we already mentioned, every person experiences the THC high slightly differently. However, some potential outcomes are consistent across almost all users. These include:
Altered sensory perception
When high or stoned, most people experience a significant change in their sensory perception. Cannabis doesn’t produce actual hallucinations like hallucinogenic drugs such as LDS. Still, during the THC high, people tend to experience and see the world differently than they usually do.
According to user testimonials, colors appear brighter; aesthetic appreciation is enhanced; personal moods are projected onto the surroundings, etc.
Therefore, if you are in a good mood, you may positively perceive your surroundings, enhancing the overall experience. But if you project your negative thoughts on the environment, the world may seem grim and harsh.
Mood alterations
The effects of THC vary from one person to another and between different products. However, the user’s emotions are often exaggerated, similar to when consuming alcohol. Typical situations can become amusing or ridiculous, or even intimidating and upsetting.
Confusion and slower response times are also often related to THC. Depending on the context, these can be experienced as either amusing or upsetting.
Studies also show that cannabis makes consumers more impulsive, as it enhances their impulsive response while consuming THC compared to days when they didn’t consume cannabis.
Many users claim that THC may increase their creativity. However, there is no scientific evidence confirming whether THC enhances the production of novel ideas or whether creative people tend to seek THC and cannabis.
Still, research shows that higher THC doses result in less creativity. Therefore, a low THC potency might be just enough to stimulate your creative side.
Cognitive effects
THC may significantly affect your thinking skills. Many say they experience memory, problem-solving, attention, and learning problems after consuming THC. The most affected areas are thought to be verbal learning and working memory.
These cognitive effects may also persist after the high has worn off, especially for users who start using THC frequently and at a younger age.
The THC high can last between 2 to 10 hours, depending on various factors. The major factors determining the length include the product’s potency, how much you consume, your body weight and body fat percentage, your metabolism, whether you are consuming THC on a full or an empty stomach, and your initial tolerance to the substance.
How long do the effects of smoking or vaping THC last?
The effects of smoking and vaping THC usually manifest within 15 to 20 minutes, sometimes even sooner. The high peak is reached immediately when experienced, while the high usually lasts between one to three hours, though it may linger for quite longer.
How long do the effects of eating THC last?
Depending on your metabolism, the digestive system may take between 30 minutes up to a couple of hours to metabolize the THC.
However, after the wait, comes a great reward. The high from THC edibles peaks around 2 hours after consumption, and some users have reported that it may last up to 24 hours.
How long do the effects of dabbing THC last?
Dabbing is often an overseen consumption method. It includes smoking a highly concentrated THC form through a specially designed pipe. As a result of the high THC content, dabs kick in almost immediately after smoking.
Like smoking, dabbing THC will give you one to three hours of excitement. However, higher THC concentrations may extend the euphoria to an entire day.
THC Administration Methods
With the vast number of THC products on the market, there are many exciting ways to use THC. Consumption methods are generally separated into two categories: smoking products and edibles.
Each THC product has its ups and downs, which is why you must explore and understand multiple options before deciding on the right product for your choice. To help you with the task, here’s a list of the most popular THC products on the legal market:
THC flowers
Smoking THC flowers is the most traditional and popular way of consuming THC. However, is it also the most hazardous option for your respiratory health? While smoking THC flowers, the herbs combust, releasing undesirable toxins inhaled directly into your lungs and immediately transferred to the bloodstream.
Though it is the riskiest consumption method, many users prefer smoking THC as the most suitable way to enjoy the cannabinoid. Smoking also produces the fastest effects, as through the smoke, the THC is delivered into the bloodstream within 15 to 20 minutes after inhaling.
THC flowers are available in different strains, sizes, and potency options. Some manufacturers also offer pre-rolled smoking products if you aren’t interested in rolling a joint or blunt.
THC vapes
THC vapes are slightly safer than smoking products but are just as effective. Because the dry herb or the vaping juice is vaporized instead of combusted, the vapor contains significantly fewer toxins. However, that’s not to say that vaping THC is a particularly safe option – it still releases toxins harmful to your respiratory health.
One of the major advantages of THC vapes is that you often get to choose between some incredible aromas. Many manufacturers experiment with additional terpenes, making the vaping experience much more pleasurable, smooth, and discrete.
Since THC vaporizers are similar to standard vaporizers and e-cigarettes, you will likely go unnoticed while vaping your favorite THC strain.
THC gummies
THC gummies are an exciting addition to the THC market. They are the same as regular gummies, with the THC extracts being the only difference between them.
THC gummies have quite a lot to offer. Incredible tastes, chewy and gooey textures, and accurate doses with each gummy, meaning that you can achieve the desired effects with a single gummy.
THC gummies are often infused with a variety of other cannabinoids as well. Therefore, they are often used to target specific outcomes with the help of the entourage effect created by the synergy between THC and other cannabinoids.
Gummies are the best example of THC edibles. They come with delicious aroma and flavor profiles, take more time to produce effects, and last much longer.
Other than gummies, you can also enjoy THC-infused brownies, lollipops, cereal bars, and many other tasty treats.
THC oils
Regarding delivery speed, THC oils come between THC smoking products and edibles. Though they are classified as edibles, there’s another way to consume oils that guarantees fast-acting results similar to what’s expected from smoking and vaping.
By placing drops of the THC liquid under your tongue, also known as sublingual administration, you can get fast-acting effects within 15 to 20 minutes.
On the other hand, if you consume the oils by ingesting them like edibles, you will get the more delayed results, somewhere between 30 minutes and 2 to 3 hours, depending on your metabolism.
THC oils are very convenient since they can be added to almost every food or drink of your choice. They come plain or with added flavors for an incredible mix and match with any meal or beverage.

THC Strains
THC strains, species, or cultivars are essential to the THC high. They are the ones that determine the direction the THC high will take you. Therefore, before picking a suitable product, you must understand the different THC strains.
While considering THC strains, there are three categories you should be familiar with: Indica, Sativa, and hybrids.
Indica versus Sativa was the traditional comparison between cannabis strains, but experienced budtenders now talk about relaxing versus invigorating experiences. With hybrids entering the market, the interpretation of cannabis strains becomes even more complex.
With the variety of cannabis species, talking simply about Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains isn’t specific enough. Though these general categorizations have many properties in common, there are also notable differences and nuances making each plant unique.
That said, differentiating Indica from Sativa and hybrid might not be sufficient for your future use of the cannabinoid, but it is undoubtedly an excellent place to start. So, let’s have a look:
Cannabis Indica is a plant native to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey. As you probably already guessed, Indica plants adapt well to harsh, dry, and turbulent climates. They are short and stocky and produce more buds compared to Sativa plants.
Indica strains are well-known for their high CBD to THC ratios. They contain higher CBD levels, but that doesn’t mean they lack THC.
Broadleaf varieties or Indica strains are considered more physically sedating while possibly promoting feelings like relaxation and well-being. They may be a good choice for calming down, releasing stress, and getting restful sleep.
Because of the body high they produce and the intoxicating effects, Indica strains are most suitable for nighttime use. They are the most popular option for people looking to watch a movie or read a book before bedtime, as they serve as excellent nightcaps.
Hindu and Afghan Kush are some of the most popular Indica strains, named after their natural habitats. Grandaddy Purple is another exciting Indica strain.
Sativa plants are usually found in hot and dry climates, with long sunny days to provide these delicate herbs the treatment they need. They are native to Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, and Western Asia.
The tall stems with thin leaves distinguish these plants. They grow tall, even taller than 12 feet, taking longer to mature than other cannabis species.
In contrast to Indica, Sativa plants feature higher doses of THC with lower CBD levels. They may produce a mind high with energizing and anxiety-reducing effects.
The cerebral effect produced by Sativa strains may impact your mood and emotion. These cannabis strains are thought to possibly increase energy levels, improving focus and creativity. Thanks to their uplifting essence, many people use them to combat anxiety and depression.
Because of the energizing and uplifting properties, Sativa strains are often used during the daytime. Among the best choices for uplifting Sativa strains are Durban Poison, Panama Red, and Acapulco Gold.
Cannabis hybrid strains are a gift that keeps on giving. Each year, cannabis growers breed new unique strains from different genetic combinations. Farmers cross breed two or more parent strains to produce a child featuring specific effects.
Hybrids are pretty flexible, and they are most usually grown on farms and greenhouses. Their physical appearance depends on the genetics passed from the parent plants.
The CBD to THC ratio is also variable, as growers target specific cannabinoid yields while cross-breeding the parent strains. Therefore, every hybrid has a unique cannabinoid ratio.
Each hybrid is created to target specific outcomes. Some are produced that may reduce anxiety and stress, while others are designed that may ease the symptoms of chemotherapy or radiation in cancer patients.
Some THC hybrids are created merely for an enjoyable high, making the possibilities endless. With the different effects of use, some hybrids are better suited for daytime, while others are more suitable for nighttime use.
Hybrids are further classified as Indica-dominant, Sativa-dominant, or balanced strains. Some popular options include Blue Dream, Pineapple Express, and Trainwreck.