Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10

Since the cannabinoid domains move with lightspeed, we do our best to keep up with the various compounds this miraculous plant offers. 

When we thought that we knew everything about Delta 8, the new players entered the scene: Delta 9 and 10. And if you are confused about how and when this happened, you have come to the right place since we will explain everything in detail about what sets them apart. 

We have researched everything from the benefits to risks and all in between so you won’t feel like out of space whenever you hear about the next time. So, let’s look at the comparison of Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10

All About the Delta Cannabinoids 

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10, you are probably thinking, how does one beat the other. Well, the thing is that each one of these components comes from the cannabis plant, but they have unique differences in their molecular structure. 

More precisely, each compound is named after its molecular structure. The carbon atom of Delta 8 has a double bond on the 8th chain; Delta 9 has a double bond on the 9th chain, and Delta 10 appears on the 10th. 

All three engage with our endocannabinoid system at various levels, resulting in diverse results. And at the end of the day, it depends on what kind of high you are after and your overall tolerance to THC. 

It’s advisable to start with Delta 8, and once you build a tolerance to it, treat yourself with its crazier brothers. 

Closer look at Delta 8

Delta 8 was and still stays the star of the show. You can think of it as a much less “in the eye” Delta 9. 

It’s mostly recommended for users looking for a medicine that affects this form of THC, like reducing anxiety, bringing pain relief, and reducing inflammation.

Delta 8 is a minor cannabinoid since it’s traced in very small amounts in the cannabis plant, which results in a very hard Delta 8 extraction process that is also quite expensive. 

Closer look at Delta 9

Delta 9 is the real celebrity of all the Delta components, as it is the most versatile in effects. For everyone looking to get extra high, Delta 9 may offer emotional uplift, energy, relaxation, creativity, and pain relief in the strongest way possible.

Compared to its older brother. It’s mostly recognized for its easy distillation process because it makes up the majority of the cannabinoid content. 

You can find it in almost every form, like concentrates, edibles, and pretty much everything you want to consume legally.

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10

Closer look at Delta 10 

Delta 10 is like the “gold” of cannabinoids as it occurs in trace amounts that are very difficult to extract. The process is very time-consuming and elusive. 

Surprisingly enough, it can cause an otherworldly high and sense of euphoria, but not with the same intensity as Delta 9. 

Overall, consumers prefer taking Delta 10 to raise their energy and creativity. It has fewer potential side effects than Delta 9, making it a safe option for you if you want to bounce out of feeling anxious and paranoid. 

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10

When we say Delta 8, you can think about it as a more responsible and laid-back sibling to the other two. Delta 8 assures you get a good time and a fun ride on a large scale without feeling paranoid and anxious. 

While Delta 8 is chilling in the backseat, Delta 9 is living its best life partying and taking Delta 10 along for the ride. 

They have the power to make you outrageously high almost instantly, which in most cases can trigger extreme highs, which can lead to paranoid delusions. 

While Delta 9 and Delta 10 are very overwhelming for most users, Delta 8 is more tolerable. It will still make you high but much smoother, promoting relaxation, clearer thought, and a more optimistic outlook on life. 

Dosing each one of these compounds 

Each of these Delta compounds has various delivery methods, each one of them coming with its own sets of benefits and drawbacks. 

When you are looking for a Delta 8, Delta 9, or Delta 10 product, you must consider the safety factors and your own psychological and physiological conditions. 

Delta 8 and Delta 10 are mostly recognized for offering the best vaping and smoking experience. They also come in tincture options that you can blend with edibles for oral consumption. 

Similarly, Delta 9 comes in all product variants; however, in most cases is available in edible options. 

As they come with their own characteristics, it’s obvious that each one of these components needs to be dosed differently. 

  • Delta 8 comes with a very low potency, and you can safely consume it at higher doses. Usually, it comes in around 10 mg to 60 mg per dose.
  • Delta 9, as you already know, is stronger, and the recommended dose is anywhere between 5 mg to 30 mg. Of course, you need to take your personal experience into consideration and go slow at first. 
  • Delta 10 preferred dose for beginners would be between 5 to 15 mg peruse and 15 – 150 mg for more experienced consumers. 

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10


We have come to the very end of this comparison of Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 vs. Delta 10. Well, now you know everything about the Deltas, and you are fully equipped to choose the best product option for you. 

Each one of them has something special to offer, but only if you behave responsibly and follow the dosage recommendation. 

It’s important to note that even though all of them are legal and generally safe, they can still come with a certain point of side effects as their interaction with the consumer’s body varies from one to another. 

Make sure to consult with your doctor and get a health check-up for any undiagnosed conditions that might be threatening before you start consuming them. 

Most importantly, choose the suitable products for yourself that you find most enjoyable and safe.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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