A dab is a form of concentrated Cannabis consumed in vapor form using a dab pen or a dab rig. Dabbing is a quick way to get the benefits of Cannabis.
Inhaling the vaporized form of cannabidiol concentrate may provide you with more potent effects than consuming CBD in other ways. You may choose from different concentrates like CBD isolate, CBD crumbles, CBD wax, and CBD shatter.
With these highly concentrated forms, you only need a few inhalations for it to do the job. However, you also need the right equipment to consume CBD dabs this way.
With the rising popularity of CBD concentrates, more and more people are getting into CBD dabbing. Dabs allow you to experience the full benefits of non-psychoactive cannabinoids. Nevertheless, for those new to dabbing, you may have several questions about it.
Is dabbing effective? How long does one hit of dab pen last? What tools do you need? Let’s look at all the important questions you may have to start dabbing CBD.
What Does CBD Dab Feel Like?
CBD dabs feel pretty similar to CBD oil, but the potency is much higher, so the effects would intensify. Therefore, if you have experience with vaping, you would find dabbing similar but more intense.
Dabbing may be preferable over vaping if you have sensitive lungs. You may get the full effect of CBD with a single dab instead of multiple hits through vaping.
Dabbing CBD may also provide better and quicker relief if you have severe pain or other symptoms where CBD may be helpful.
However, because of the higher intensity, dabbing is only suitable for those with prior experience consuming CBD. If you are new to cannabinoids, you should start with another method of consuming CBD.
How Long Do the Effects of a CBD Dab Last
Dabbing gives you intense effects almost instantly, but the effects would last for a shorter period compared to other methods. So, how long does one hit of dab pen last?
Similar to smoking, the effect of dabbing typically can be felt for up to three hours. The effects of this method are not as long-lasting as consumption methods like swallowing CBD. Inhaling CBD vapors from a dab rig will produce effects that may last about three hours.
However, one hit of a dab pen can stay in your system for up to three days. For heavy users, it may stay in your system for a longer period.
How Does Dabbing CBD Work
Although dabbing is easy, you may require some practice during the first few times to perfect the technique. You will also need to consider whether to use a traditional dab rig or an e-rig.
Dab pens are also quite easy and convenient to use. However, if you want the best experience, you should choose the traditional dabbing rigs.
You should learn about the perfect temperature to vaporize the CBD concentrate. This is the first skill you must master for a satisfying dabbing experience.
Next, you should divide your concentrate so that you can consume a moderate dose of CBD. Since CBD concentrate is a pure and potent form of CBD, you should control your dosage, so you don’t take too much of it.
How to Use a Dab Rig
Dab rigs are a little more complicated than dab pens or wax vaporizers. You will need some equipment like the nail, torch, and dab tool for dabbing using the traditional dab rig. You will be using a live flame for this, so make sure there is nothing flammable near it.
You will need a butane torch to heat the nail and a dab tool to add the concentrate to the nail. Now you can inhale the vaporized concentrate through the mouthpiece. Getting used to it can take some time.
How to Use a Dab Pen
A dab pen is much easier to use as you don’t need a flame to heat the content. You put the CBD concentrate in the coil cylinder and switch on the device. This will activate the heating element and vaporize the concentrate.
Can You Get high With CBD Dabs
Cannabinoids that are extracted from hemp plants contain low THC content. This is usually less than 0.3% and doesn’t produce any psychoactive effects. However, you might feel more relaxed and have an anxiety reduction when you use CBD dabs.
Due to its high CBD concentration, you may feel drowsiness when you take a larger dose. However, you will not get high with CBD dabbing.
Read more: How Long Does Dab Stay In Your System
Various Forms of CBD Concentrates
It got its name from its waxy appearance and was created using a CO2 extraction. As a result, you get a high-quality and very potent CBD concentrate. This may also contain other compounds like terpenes, flavonoids, and sterols. These have a sticky texture like honey.
CBD Budder
This variant is created using very high pressure and temperature. CBD Budder has a gooey texture because of its high moisture. It has a creamy experience similar to butter.
CBD Crumble
This form has a brittle consistency and is less dense than other CBD concentrates. You can easily place this type of concentrate on the nail. Since it is less sticky, you can even use your fingers to lift it.
CBD Shatter
This CBD concentrate has a unique texture and resembles glass-like sheets. You can easily break this into smaller pieces using the dab tool. But once heated with a torch, it again melts into a honey-like liquid.
Benefits of Dabbing CBD
There are several ways to consume CBD, but dabbing offers a very high potency and almost instant effect. If you have severe symptoms, you may prefer this way of consuming CBD over others.
While people also like to use CBD oils sublingually or CBD tinctures infused in food or drink, those have certain shortcomings. Most people want to avoid the earthy and grassy taste of CBD oils. When you ingest the compound through food, it lowers the bioavailability of the compound.
On the other hand, dabbing CBD allows you to absorb up to 50% of the cannabinoids. It enters your bloodstream through the lungs. With CBD dabbing, just a few inhalations are enough to do the job. You can get instant relief when dabbing CBD, unlike other ways of consuming it.

Types of CBD Concentrate
CBD concentrates can also be classified based on the presence and absence of various cannabinoids. The three types of CBD concentrates are; CBD isolate, broad-spectrum CBD, and full-spectrum CBD.
CBD isolate
It is the most concentrated pure CBD without any other cannabinoids. This is achieved through a process called high-pressure liquid chromatography. These are very potent CBD products but have no other active compounds.
Broad spectrum CBD
When a CBD product contains other active compounds in the hemp plant, it is broad-spectrum CBD. These may have other cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, and more. However, a broad-spectrum product doesn’t contain THC and is non-psychoactive.
Full spectrum CBD
A full spectrum CBD contains several other cannabinoids as well as THC. Such products bring the complete benefits of all kinds of compounds present in the Cannabis strain. A full spectrum CBD may also contain cannabinol, terpenes, and essential oils.
Although these products have THC, it is typically present in small amounts. All legal CBD products must have below 0.3% THC. So, any effects of THC, if felt, would be mild.
The Components of a Wax Vaporizer
These devices are similar to vape pens and vaporize dabs using electricity. The main components of a dabbing pen include; a battery, coil, mouthpiece, and dabber. These devices are available in several shapes, sizes, and prices.
Read more: How To Use A Dab Rig
CBD dabs are reaching new heights of popularity. The primary reason for this growing interest in CBD dabs is its intense and quick effects.
While dabbing may not be for everyone, if you have prior experience with CBD and are looking for greater potency, you may want to get yourself a wax vaporizer or a dab rig. Once you get the knack for dabbing CBD, you may start enjoying the instant benefits.
This article helps you understand what it’s like to try CBD dabs and how long one hit of dab pen lasts. Now you also know what kind of effects to expect when trying dabbing for the first time.
In some ways, it is similar to vaping CBD oil, but it produces its unique effects and has both upsides and downsides compared to other modes of consuming CBD. However, dab rigs or dab pens have proved to be very helpful for people looking for quick relief from various issues.
This article also clarifies the duration of one hit of dab pen and how it differs from other ways of consuming CBD. We hope this will help you create a more satisfying experience using CBD dabs.