How to Smoke a Cart Without a Battery

Are you looking for a quick solution on how to smoke a cart without a battery? We’re bringing you this helpful guide by providing a step-by-step guide if you are facing this problem.

These vape carts are easy to use and operate with a simple mechanism. It necessitates the use of an atomizer, a coil, and batteries. You may occasionally end up harming the battery or the charger. This is why we created this guide. 

Even while this may sound like a daunting task at first, it will save you money in the long term. Without a battery, hitting a cart can be difficult, but with the appropriate technique, you can smoke or hit it exactly like a vape pen.

How to Smoke a Cart Without a Battery

What Exactly Is a Vape Cart?

The cartridge is a tiny, cylindrical canister that holds oil or liquid concentrate for vaping via inhalation. It’s commonly composed of glass or metal, and the bottom features a heating element. The heating element vaporizes the oil or liquid inside the cartridge, allowing you to breathe it in. 

In addition, wicks in cartridges collect liquid and aid in delivering it to the heating element. When you hit or smoke a cartridge, the oil or liquid within is vaporized by the coil’s heat. You can inhale the vapor as a result of this. 

The wicks absorb the liquid in the cartridge, which helps transfer it to the heating element. The biggest difference between hitting a cart and smoking a cigarette is that you don’t inhale smoke when you use a cartridge. You’re inhaling the vapor instead.

What Is a Vape Battery?

While pipes and bongs are used to smoke traditional cannabis, a battery is required to use cannabis vape cartridges. A vape pen’s battery is essential for heating cannabis oil to the point where it may be smoked. Vape batteries are extremely easy to use, as most only require the press of a button to start heating up the cartridge.

While vape batteries come in various sizes, colors, and strengths, many of the vape batteries for sale will be similar in terms of simplicity of use, so don’t expect too many variances between them. However, there are several major differences that can influence your vaping experience.

How Long Do Cart Batteries Last

Typically, vape batteries have a lifespan of 200 to 500 cycles. Before it needs to be changed, the battery will endure between 200 and 500 full charges. The final figure is determined by how the device is used.

When a single charge can no longer support vaping for more than a few hours, it is imperative to replace your batteries immediately. There are numerous factors to consider when responding to this question.

The most important component is the battery size, although amperage, tank style, and usage pattern all play a part in how long your vape pen lasts. In general, a 1100mAh battery will last 1,000 puffs. The battery in newer models, on the other hand, is significantly larger.

How to Smoke a Cart Without a Battery

Use an Android charger

We’ve put together a list of steps below if you want to learn more about how to utilize an Android charger to hit a vape cartridge. Make sure you follow these instructions carefully. Again, this is not something we recommend trying at home.

Step 1. Cut the charging port

Before proceeding, ensure that the USB cable is unplugged. Take your scissors to cut the cable open once it’s in place. Cut the side of the USB end. For example, if you’re using a phone charging cable, cut off the end where you’d plug your phone in. 

You can either cut the cable to make it very short or leave the majority of it in place to make it long. You have the choice; however, we recommend retaining it for a longer period of time.

Step 2. Remove green and white wire

After cutting, you’ll notice a slew of different colored wires. It is made up of green, white, black, and red-colored wires. Remove the green and white wires. The other two wires should not be disturbed. Remove the wires from the USB cable completely.

Step 3. Reveal the copper

It’s time to put those nail clippers to work (or wire strippers). You’ll need these to remove the colored part of the copper within.

To do so, gently grasp the tips of both colored wires with the nail clippers and pull up. Be very cautious while doing so since being too rough could result in cutting the wire too short and having to start over. When done correctly, the copper from within should be visible.

Step 4. Insert the black wire into your cartridge

Locate the small round hole in the center of your vape cartridge’s bottom. Place the stripped end of the black wire in this hole and secure it.

Step 5. Connect the red color wire to the exterior of the cart

The red wire should be softly contacted to the metal outside of the vape cartridge. You can now connect your Android charger to a USB port that is both plugged in and operational. Right away, vapor should start to emerge from your cart, and you should hear a hissing sound. Take your time inhaling because the impact will most likely be stronger than you’re used to.

What Exactly Is a Vape Cart?

Use an iPhone charger

iPhone chargers, like Android charges, can be used to hit a cart. It can make separating and reconnecting a difficult procedure. However, iPhone chargers and internal wiring are more complicated than those found on Android phones.

To put it another way, it’s not something you’d want to try if you’re in a rush. Many smokers use a lighter to ignite a cartridge that isn’t powered by a battery. However, this can be hazardous. The use of a vape cart can result in poisonous smoke that is harmful to one’s health.


If you don’t have a lighter, a candle will do. Simply light the candle and place the cartridge adjacent to it. Make sure the flame does not come into contact with the cartridge since this could cause it to explode. As your cartridge begins to heat up, you can begin taking hits after a few seconds.


We believe that we have provided you with some important tips on how to smoke a cart without a battery. Those who are desperate to consume weed even when their pen’s battery has died might utilize an Android charger. 

However, this is not an effective strategy for long-term use. A vape battery should be purchased from a nearby vape shop. They’re fairly priced, and you can stock up on disposable batteries as well. If you need to hit the cart quickly and don’t have a working battery, using the Android charger cord is the best option. It is safer, faster, and takes less time to set up.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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