How to Light a Joint Without a Lighter

We have all found ourselves in a situation when we rolled the juiciest joint and didn’t have a lighter to get it going. Have you ever wondered how to light a joint without a lighter?  

If you have no shop near you, it’s late at night, or you are just too lazy to walk to the nearest open store, you can still smoke your joint. Luckily, there are other ways to light a joint, and this article will reveal them to you. 

Although these methods are atypical, they will give you a solution. And whenever you find yourself in such circumstances, you will know how to light a joint without a lighter. 

So, leave your reefer for a moment and dive deep into this read. Afterwards, you will be able to enjoy it and finally get high!

How to Light a Joint Without a Lighter

How to Light a Joint Without a Lighter

Here, we will cover all possible ways of lighting a joint without a lighter. Some include using a knife hit, a car lighter, or even dry spaghetti. Pick the best option for you, learn the trick, and relish in a fantastic buzz!

Method 1 – Solar hit

When you don’t have a lighter during the day, you can always use the huge and fiery star – the sun. A solar hit is when you use the sun’s power to light up your joints. This is the most organic way possible and will never run out. 

For this method, you will need a magnifying glass or glasses. If you have some raw cannabis buds, you can place a small one in a jar, forget about the joint, and smoke directly from the jar.

You will have to direct the power of the sun’s rays, through the glass, into the target. The sun’s heat will determine how much time you will need. 

You can get the fire going with some patience and the proper direction. Direct the glass to the joint’s tip or directly on the bud in the jar. You have to be able to see a yellow dot; that’s where your fire will start. 

When there’s enough heat, smoke will appear. Be sure to puff quickly and light up the joint. In contrast, if you use the jar, open the lid and inhale when there’s enough smoke inside. 

Method 2 – Knife hit

Here’s another great trick on how to light a joint without a lighter. The hot knives are usually used for the hash, but they can also be utilized when there’s no lighter near you, and you want to start up that joint. 

For a knife hit, you will need knives and a heat source. We recommend the stove if nothing else.

Start your electric stove and heat the knives. To heat them perfectly, you will need around ten minutes. 

Now, cautiously take the knives and place the joint’s tip between them. Just inhale; the joint will light up when you toast its tip between the hot knives. 

Method 3 – Car lighter

The car lighter is the top pick for all the drivers out there or for all of you who have a car in the garage. We are here to remind you about the car lighter if you didn’t think of this before. 

Take your joint and head to the garage. Start up your car, push the car lighter and let it charge. Take it out when the lighter is hot enough, and light up your joint. It’s as simple as that.

Method 4 – Dry spaghetti

One of the most intriguing and creative ways of lighting up a joint without a lighter is using the spaghetti you have at home. The dry spaghetti method will help you smoke weed in seconds. 

All you need is dry spaghetti and your electrical stove. 

Take one spaghetti and put its tip on a hot stove. The spaghetti is highly flammable, and a spark will quickly arise. 

When you think you have heated it enough, press its tip to the joint’s spike. This oversized match will light up your joints, and you can use it whenever you don’t have a lighter but have spaghetti. 

Method 5 – Toaster

When you can’t use all the methods above but have a toaster at home, you can put it on and light up your joint. 

But the toaster has to be modern because modern toasters can’t electrocute you. However, it’s best to check your toaster before using this method. 

When you are sure that the toaster is good to go, put the toaster on and wait for the heat. Light the joint’s tip when the toaster has heated up, and watch your fingertips. 

Method 6 – Coffee grounds

The last method that we will recommend to you is to create a spark with coffee grounds. This method is a little messy, and you will have to clean afterwards, but it’s still worth it. 

You will need some ground coffee and an electrical stove. When you heat the electrical stove, put some ground coffee directly on it and wait for the sparks to appear. 

Hold the tip of the joint directly onto the coffee sparks when there are enough. Soon, the burning coffee grounds will light it up. 

Don’t forget to clean the stove when you finish the job. And beware that the burned coffee will have a distinct smell and leave a few stains. However, they are easily cleaned.

Related: How to Roll Thin Joints


After reading this article, we’re confident that you have discovered that there are numerous methods to light up a joint without a lighter. When you don’t have a lighter, you can nonetheless smoke weed. 

Now, you know how to light a joint without a lighter and can share your newly acquired knowledge with all of your stoner buddies. We’re sure everyone will be happy to reveal a new method because sometimes you have to be creative to get that giggly buzz.

All left to do is light that rich joint and delight in the experience!

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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