How to Clear Delta 8 From Your System

If you have to do drug testing but have consumed Delta 8 recently, continue reading today’s article to find out how to clear Delta 8 from your system.

While thousands of people still prefer the good old weed, many prefer to stick to the right side of the law. Luckily for all of us, the regulations voted in 2018 enabled us to enjoy hemp plants and cannabis species with small amounts of THC.

Many new cannabinoids were discovered. Slowly, Delta 8 THC took over the market, satisfying the needs of many customers. This cannabinoid became popular for multiple reasons. It’s weaker than regular THC, causing a mild high, and it’s well promoted. Moreover, when produced from hemp plants, it belongs to the law’s gray area, meaning it’s theoretically legal.

Delta 8 THC still is a THC cannabinoid. This means that it can show up on a drug test, and that’s why, in this article, we’ll talk about how to clear Delta 8 from your system. Moreover, we’ll discuss the factors determining how long it stays in the body.

How to Clear Delta 8 From Your System

How to Clear Delta 8 From Your System?

Misunderstanding of the cannabis plants is not something new in this area. Over the years, weed has been criminalized and decriminalized multiple times, at one point being an everyday legal substance and at another point the scary leafy beast that destroys lives.

Hemp, on the other hand, was widely used because of its versatility, showing that it’s a much better option as a material for saving the planet.

In the meantime, scientists have put cannabis under the microscope, analyzed, researched, and discovered hundreds of elements found in the plants. They found what makes people high and relaxed, what may soothe their pain, and what may make them paranoid.

Although cannabis research is ongoing, we now know much more about these plants, and true to be told, we love them. As new cannabinoids became available, Delta 8 THC from hemp plants became a fan favorite. However, many people are confused regarding this cannabinoid and its effects.

Delta 8 and Delta 9: Similarities and differences

Most consumers know that Delta 8 is a weaker substance than regular THC and they use it to avoid those unwanted THC effects. Since it produces a mellow high, people assume it doesn’t stay in the body for long, and it won’t show on a drug test.

However, that’s just another misconception.

To understand the nature of Delta 8, its effects, and how to clear Delta 8 from your body, you should first take a look at its structure and its link with Delta 9 THC.

To begin the story, first, you should know that Delta 8 is not a novel cannabinoid as marketing agencies and manufacturers like to promote. The chemical was discovered in 1965, one year after the widely-known Delta 9.

The reason why it became so popular recently is that cannabis with less than 0.3% THC has been federally legal ever since the 2018 Farm Bill. On the other hand, marijuana for recreational purposes is federally illegal.

Must Read: What Is the Difference Between Delta 8 and Delta 9


There are two myths regarding Delta 8 and Delta 9. On the one hand, people believe Delta 8 is completely different from Delta 9, and on the other, the same as Delta 9. Because of these misconceptions, people have trouble understanding the effects and how to flush their bodies after using Delta 8.

Chemical structure

The only difference between Delta 8 and Delta 9 is the location of the double bond carbon atom. We don’t want to bother you with science stuff here. So, to understand the difference, you can imagine a picture of a molecular structure. In that picture, all links are single, except one with two lines. That’s the double bond.

In Delta 8, the double bond is found on the eight carbon. In Delta 9, the double bond is on the ninth carbon, hence the name. Therefore, even though this is a very small difference, the double bond changed location determines the unique structure of both cannabinoids.

That being said, Delta 8 THC is very similar to standard THC. However, because of that small change, both cannabinoids produce different effects, and that’s why Delta 8 is much weaker.

Read more: When Did Delta-8 Become Illegal In Kentucky?


We explained why both similar cannabinoids produce different effects; that is why Delta 8 produces a milder high and relaxation compared to Delta 9, which might produce a strong high and even severe negative reaction.

When it comes to effects, we associate cannabis with getting high. However, that’s widely explained. 

For starters, as we mentioned above, there are various types of high because every cannabinoid influences the body differently. For instance, Delta 9 affects the endocannabinoid system and bonds with CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, it has a slightly stronger bond with the CB1 receptors, which is why it can produce strong psychoactive effects.

On the other hand, Delta 8 also binds with both receptors, but it has a stronger connection to CB2. That’s why the high is more mellow, and the cannabinoid may relax the body and soothe the pain.


Studies so far show that Delta 8 may have a positive impact and various health properties. This cannabinoid may help with inflammation, anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, and low appetite. Multiple analyses show that Delta 8 may benefit the immune system, digestive system, skin, focus, and muscles and help maintain overall balance and health.

Of course, Delta 8 may produce adverse effects, too, including sore throat, itchiness, dizziness, and nausea. However, these effects last shorter than those from Delta 9.

How long do the effects last?

It’s crucial to note that the effects’ duration is not the same as the time needed for your body to get rid of the chemical. We’ll explain this part further in this article because many people believe that there are no traces of the substance once they sober up.

We even found some articles claiming the same, giving tips for sobering, e.g., “grab a snack” or “take a rest and sleep for at least eight hours.” While their recommendations are good for sobering up and getting rid of the high, they are not enough to detox your body.

How long the ‘high’ will last depends on multiple factors. If you are a heavy and regular smoker, you’ll sober up before your rookie friend. Also, the food impacts the duration. Therefore, the period between the last time you ate and the time of consumption affects the potency and the duration of the effects.

Important factors 

Two very important factors are the dose you take and the method of consumption, that is, which product type you use. The dose works proportionally with the effects, meaning the more Delta 8 you take, the longer the effects will last. As for the product type, the edibles give the longer effects, while the vape carts the shorter.

How Long Does Delta 8 Stay in the Body?

Once consumed, Delta 8 produces THC metabolites inside. Those metabolites can stay in the body for two days to 30 days. In many cases, the period is much longer, and thus, many people test positive for THC even after three months after consumption.

This chemical has two metabolic stages. In the rapid phase, a portion of the Delta 8 you took is already cleared from the body. After this, your body may slow down. At this point starts the second metabolic stage in which half of the dose you take will start to metabolize.

Here we have the same case we discussed above, where multiple factors determined the effects’ duration. Various elements influence how long Delta 8 will stay in your body.

It’s crucial to understand these factors thoroughly if you want to know how to clear Delta 8 from your system. That’s why we will discuss them separately.

Also read: How Long Does Weed Smell Last

How Long Does Delta 8 Stay in the Body

User’s age

As we grow old, our bodies become slower. Our metabolic rate is not immune to our age, which naturally slows down.

If a 20-year-old man needs three days to clear Delta 8 from their body, a 30-year-old will need twice more to clear the same amount. Of course, this is not carved in stone. Many people in their 30s are healthy, and their metabolisms work without a problem.

Still, your age indirectly influences the period needed for your body to detox from Delta 8. Your biological age as a factor is closely related to another significant one – genetics.


As we said, the functionality of our metabolisms slows down as we grow older. However, our genetics determine how much the metabolism will change. While some people have slow metabolisms, many have bodies that work just as fine at an older age, thanks to their genetics.

The main organ that takes care of the Delta 8 metabolites in the liver. The liver produces specific enzymes to process various chemicals and substances. In this case, the liver will use an enzyme called CYP3A4 to break down Delta 8 into smaller metabolites that can be flushed out of the body through the kidneys.

Although we all have this enzyme (it activates at around one year of age), some people have fewer enzymes than others. Again, genetics play a major role in the period needed for the body to get rid of Delta 8.

Consumption frequency

The consumption frequency influences the duration of the effects and how long Delta 8 stays in your body. Logically, the more often you take Delta 8, the longer it may take to flush your body.

You should know that cannabinoids are fat-soluble. This means that they sort of bond with the fat cells in our bodies. Therefore, if you regularly consume this chemical, Delta 8 metabolites may accumulate in your fat cells.

For instance, users who take Delta 8 once a week may clear their bodies from Delta 8 within around seven days. On the other hand, those who use Delta 8 five times per week or more may need twice the time to clean up their systems.

Speaking of fat cells, the physical body of the user and their sex also has a huge impact. Statistically speaking, women have more fat than men. Also, if physically active, men spend more fluids than women.

Consumption method

As we mentioned earlier, the product type directly impacts the strength and duration of the effects. However, it also determines how long the chemical will stay in your body.

Inhaling Delta 8 produces effects within a few minutes. Those effects usually last for a short period, between half an hour and three hours. Getting rid of Delta 8 metabolites after using vapes takes less time than other consumption methods.

According to the studies so far, edible products leave Delta 8 in the body the longest. Unlike buds, edibles go through the digestive system and bloodstream. Therefore, they need more work time, but the metabolites can also stay inside for days.

How long do the effects last


Before you think about how to clear Delta 8 from your system, you should consider the medication or supplements you take. Most drugs and supplements we take have to metabolize the same way as Delta 8. Therefore, the liver uses enzymes to complete the process.

In some cases, the same enzymes are needed to metabolize the substances, meaning the metabolic rate will significantly slow down to finish the job. This is why you should consult your doctor to find out if the supplements you take (if you take any) require the same enzyme needed for Delta 8.

Additionally, Delta 8 may interfere with prescribed medicine. Therefore, you should never risk your health and always consult with a doctor.

Drug tests

Many people seem to lack understanding of the drug testing process. Unfortunately, many of those people are educational article writers, and they spread false information online.

Unlike popular opinion, the drug tests don’t show the THC level in your body. So, taking only a few hits won’t protect you from testing positive. The tests are designed to show the metabolites your body has produced after the THC processing is done.

Although this may vary, in most cases, the drug tests detect the presence of the following substances:

  • Alcohol
  • Barbiturates
  • Marijuana (Delta 9 THC)
  • Amphetamines
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine
  • Opioids

To conduct the test, you will have to give hair, urine, saliva, or blood to the lab that runs the analyses. Out of these four test types, the hair follicle drug test is highly accurate, showing THC presence from Delta 8 taken three months ago.

The other test types may also be accurate, but they usually don’t show THC that was taken more than two months ago.

Urine tests

Although you may have to do another test type, most companies use urine tests to check on their employees. Bear in mind that your employer may request another test type, especially if you work in a public safety office or department.

Also, professional athletes may undergo hair follicle tests, so they mustn’t use Delta 8. Even if they use full-spectrum CBD, the test may be positive since, as we said, the analyses don’t show the amount you have taken or the THC type, but only the metabolites produced by your body after consuming THC in any form.

So far, there are two varieties of urine tests:

  • Immunoassay test (IA)
  • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry test (GC-MS

The first variant is a quick biochemical test, meaning it gives the results faster. It can detect the presence of macromolecules in the sample, but it often shows inaccurate results.

The second variant approaches the sample in two ways. It represents a combined analytical test and uses gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, which results in more accurate results.

How to Clean up Your Body After Taking Delta 8

How to Clean up Your Body After Taking Delta 8?

First of all, it’s very important to know the facts. A quick scroll online will result in hundreds of articles saying they have the answer and the solution to your problem. The articles sell some magic potions and drinks that are supposed to detox your body and make Delta 8 go away.

There’s no such thing as magical detox. There is no scientific evidence that a product of any kind can destroy all tracks of Delta 8, break down metabolites, and completely clean your body!

We already saw the entire process from the moment of taking Delta 8 to the moment the substance is processed by your body. Also, we talked about the factors that determine how much time the chemical will stay inside. Therefore, it’s logical that a company can’t produce a universal product that can work for every person.

It’s important to remember that all drug tests are looking for THC-COOH, which is a specific type of metabolite that your body produces after taking any variant of THC. Since Delta 8 breaks down into these metabolites, you will test positive for THC-COOH.

Recommendations for reducing Delta 8 traces

Now that you know how to clear Delta 8 from your system, you can focus on things you can do to reduce the traces and help your body to work faster. Before you start panicking about your upcoming drug test, take a look at your options and start acting.

We included several tips and recommendations you can try that may help you speed up your metabolism and significantly reduce the Delta 8 traces in your body. However, you should remember that there’s no guarantee that these recommendations will flush all traces. Consequently, you should consider all factors, including the test type you’ll have to do.


Once you find out that you will have to take a drug test, stop consuming Delta 8 immediately. Unfortunately, most companies arrange surprise drug tests, informing the employees around two days in advance.

Still, if you somehow find out about the upcoming test earlier, your best chance to pass it is to abstain from taking any THC-related products.

It’s crucial to note that abstinence may not be enough if your body doesn’t have time to flush the metabolites. Also, the result will depend on the test type. If you abstain for ten days and take a urine test, the result may be negative. However, ten days won’t be enough to pass a hair follicle test.


Hydration is important for everything, even for flushing Delta 8 out of your body. THC metabolites are fat-soluble, meaning they bind with fat cells. Therefore, water may be helpful, as it helps the body break fat cells. This is not something new or unexpected, as all athletes and gym professionals recommend drinking a lot of water to break down fat mass and prepare your body for building muscle. 

Additionally, natural beverages made with organic ingredients may also help. They have detox properties, and some compounds are full of antioxidants. They support the immune system and keep the body hydrated. Thus, they help the system function properly and may help the metabolism clear the body from toxins.


Regular exercise may increase the metabolic rate, meaning your body works faster and may eliminate all toxins. Besides speeding up your metabolism, exercise may be helpful because you can remove toxins through your sweat.

Additionally, if you avoid sugar and combine healthy food with intense workouts, you can push your body to look for energy from another source. This is a normal process for those who want to lose weight. They take protein-rich foods and work hard so that the body has to break fat cells to energize.

Since the process includes breaking and burning fat, it may help flush Delta 8 metabolites along with excess fat. Again, the results vary, depending on your age, genetics, the last time you took Delta 8, the drug test, and many other factors.


So, this is it! We answered one of the most important questions regarding Delta 8, and we’re glad that we debunked some myths. You must remember that although Delta 8 has milder effects than regular THC, it still shows up on drug tests, and, so far, there is no scientific evidence that the products offered can completely clear those THC metabolites from your body. Therefore, it’s important to consult your doctor before using Delta 8 products.

We hope our article helped you understand the factors that determine the effects of this cannabinoid and how much time it may stay in your body. Also, we highly recommend abstaining from any THC-related products and trying to detox your body through natural foods, drinks, and exercise.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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