How Long Does Weed Smell Last

Weed offers a very enticing and pleasant experience. That is why so many people use it worldwide for recreational purposes. But what about the smell of weed? Does it also have a pleasant effect right after consummation? How long does weed smell last? 

To answer these and several other questions, we went on and wrote this informative article for you. You will find all the relevant information concerning the smell of weed, what causes it, where its strength comes from, how long it lasts, and how to minimize the effects afterward. 

So make sure to read our instructional article carefully and with a lot of attention, because it never hurts to be extra resourceful in terms of knowledge, don’t you think? 

How Long Does Weed Smell Last

What Determines the Smell of Weed

Several things determine the smell of weed, but the most impacting factor is the high number of terpenes. Terpenes are unique chemical compounds present in the structure of cannabis. Their presence inside weed is so high that they exceedingly affect its typical and characteristic smell. 

Myrcene is the most prevalent terpene present in weed. You can easily recognize the smell of weed anywhere because of it. This terpene is present in both Indica and Sativa cannabis strains.

Other terpenes that also play a part in determining the smell of weed are pinene, limonene, axemen, linalool, humulene, etc. 

Weed has another critical ingredient that plays an essential part in its smell. That is the caryophyllene compound. Products containing this element have a unique smell, and because of it, police dogs can quickly identify the smell of weed.  

Another interesting fact is that THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, found in the cannabis plant, is odorless.

With such a blend of ingredients, weed has quite a penetrating smell. It can quickly get into the fabric, furniture, electronic devices, and many other indoor materials.

Factors That Affect the Strength of the Smell

Several factors are in play when the strength of the weed’s smell is involved.

One of those factors may include whether or not you are smoking the weed inside or outside. Another fact is whether there is any airflow inside the room or if the AC is operating or not. Open windows can also have an impact on how strong the smell is. 

Another major factor in the strength of cannabis smell is whether or not you store it properly. So to make the strength minimal, make sure to store your weed in a glass jar, covered with an airtight lid. 

Also, make sure to place the jar in a cool and dark place, away from sunlight. Air degrades the weed, and if you use proper storage, you will surely minimize the strength of its smell.

Smell strength can also depend on the way that you consume your weed. Using a traditional bong will produce much less stink than if you inhale the weed rolled like a joint. Vapes produce even less smell because they evaporate the cannabis juice at much lower temperatures. Whatever you do, make sure to clean your consumption instruments properly. 

Related: How Many Hits Are in a 1 Gram Vape Cartridge?

How Long Does Weed Smell Last

Several factors determine how long the weed’s smell can last:

  1. The cannabis variety – Depending on what variety of cannabis you use, the smell duration may fluctuate. As we’ve already mentioned above, the various terpene types are responsible for this. Some of them emit a much more pungent, longer-lasting smell than others. 
  2. The way you consume the weed – The method of consumption also plays a vital role in how long the smell of weed will last. Inhaling the weed through the form of a joint will leave a significantly longer-lasting smell than vape pens or cartridges.
  3. The amount of cannabis consumed – It is only natural that the more weed you consume, the more smell will be present in the room. Prolonged exposure of a room to weed smoke will penetrate even deeper into furniture, fabric, and other objects. 
  4. How well-ventilated the room is – An open window or a running AC unit may also significantly affect the smell. 

So to answer the question of how long does weed smell last, we would like to say that it greatly depends on the factors above. If they are in play, it might take several hours or even several days until the smoke ultimately diminishes. You can also use air fresheners or a fan to speed up the process and remove the smell in about 40 minutes. 

How To Minimize the Smell of Weed 

You can do several things to minimize the smell of weed right after a smoking session. The first one is to ventilate the area well by opening the windows and circulating fresh air. You can also use a fan to help you in the process. 

Using air fresheners is also a great way to minimize the smell of weed. Spraying them around the room right after smoking will significantly help with smell reduction. Lighting up scented candles or using scented oils is another thing you can try to diminish the smell. 

A DIY Sploof is a great tool that might also help you minimize the smell of weed. A Sploof is a cardboard tube, like the one found in toilet paper, which on one end has a dryer sheet attached. By blowing and inhaling through this device, you can catch and lower the smell of weed.

Lastly, you should wash any clothes you were wearing while smoking the weed. This is so other people will not sense its smell directly from you and your clothes when you get near. 

Read more: What Is A Weed Cart?

Final Thoughts

We hope that this article provided you with the information you were seeking concerning how long does weed smell last. So if you plan on having a long smoking session without that nasty residual smell afterward, then make sure to follow our instructions. 

So whatever you do, enjoy your weed consumption without worrying about the consequences of a lasting smell!

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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