What Wattage to Vape Wax Cartridge?

If you want to make the most out of your vaping experience but do not know what wattage to vape wax cartridge to, don’t worry! We have the answer below. 

With the new and advanced technology, everything that was simple in the past has become super complicated. Although this might be an advantage because it means that the devices and appliances are more efficient now, sometimes the biggest downside can be that people are having trouble learning how to utilize these devices. 

This scenario applies to many new gadgets and technology, including vape cartridges. They went from being straightforward and easy-to-use to these hi-tech, technologically advanced vapes with top-of-the-game quality and options. 

So it is no wonder many people are confused about how to use the cartridges properly and, most importantly, what wattage to vape wax cartridges. Keep reading, and you’ll discover more!

What Wattage to Vape Wax Cartridge

The Correlation Between the Wattage and Your Device

If you are not very familiar with what the wattage represents, it basically is a unit that describes the speed with which the electricity is generated or used by some particular device. So when we are talking specifically about the cartridge, the wattage represents the amount of power your device is using. 

As you know, the liquid or wax inside your device needs to heat so that you can vape it. Therefore, the higher the wattages, the higher the temperature of your device. 

To be more precise, most of the time, the wattage can make or break your overall vaping experience, so you have to be extra careful. And that is why we are here, to guide you for the ultimate vaping enjoyment. But before we begin, there is one more thing to know. 

Many vaping devices function differently, meaning they might have voltage instead of watts, or in some cases, they may even read out the device’s temperature directly. So regardless of which of these types your cart is, you can simply assume that the higher wattage or temperature, the hotter the vaping temperature.

Factors That Determine the Maximum Wattage for Wax

As this topic was bothering thousands and thousands of people, we decided to take the job into our hands and assemble this article, which is useful to anyone dealing with the same dilemmas and troubles.

Before we get to the main part, it is essential to mention which factors influence the maximum wattage for wax. Considering these factors, you will feel confident deciding to what wattage you vape your wax cartridge later in the process. 

Your vaping device

The first and most important factor you should consider is the type of your vaping device. As new vaping devices come out every month, they all have unique features and options, so you must determine the options and the power of your cart. 

The newer vaping carts have advanced mechanisms to protect the wax from burning at a possible high output, but that should not stop you from carefully utilizing your vaping device. To get the most out of your device and make sure you use it properly, you should always check the user’s manual that comes with the cart. Only by doing so, you can be 100% sure that the device will not malfunction and, more importantly, that the wax inside will not burn.

Your personal preferences

As every human is different, there is not one universal wattage setting that works for all. The best way is to start with the smallest wattage possible and test it. Experiment by slightly increasing the dose and seeing which dose would hit your sweet spot. Just beware that the wattage increase should go really slowly so that you do not burn the wax and not overpower yourself with the vape.

The resistance of the coil

Another correlation you should pay attention to is the coil’s resistance and wattage level. Simply put, the less heat resistant the coil is, the higher the wattage level can be without burning the wax inside.

What Wattage to Vape Wax Cartridge?

After we went over the essential factors that usually directly impact the wax cartridge wattage, we can finally talk about the wattage itself. As we have mentioned earlier, there is not one universal wattage setting that would work for all vaping devices. In the end, it all comes down to how you prefer your vaping experience to be. 

For instance, if you like a thicker and hotter vapor, you should use higher wattages. In contrast, if you prefer thinner and cooler vapor, you should consider using lower wattages. 

As many vaping devices offer variable wattage possibilities, most users agree that five wattages are the best option. So if your device is one of these carts, five can be the ideal wattage for you as well. 

If, by any chance, you go above seven wattages, you might experience the burned flavor and ruined compounds, so as long as you do not go over seven wattages, your vaping cart should work fine. 

How to Choose the Right Wattage?

The best thing you can do before you decide on the ideal wattage for you is to start with the lowest possible wattage. By experimenting and slowly increasing the power, you will see which temperature works best for you. As vaping is strictly an individual thing, everyone should try various strengths and decide which wattage meets their expectations, desires, and requirements. 

By starting low and working your way up, you get to venture through all the strengths, and therefore by implementing this technique, you might prevent accidentally getting a hot vapor which might trigger a strong cough. So just take your time experimenting, try to focus, and enjoy every wattage level, as that is the only way to find the ideal wattage for your taste and an ultimate experience.

Also Read: How to Lower Tolerance to Carts

Benefits of High Wattage Vaping

  • Thicker and more potent vapor
  • Hotter vapor
  • Better throat hit


If the latest technology in vaping devices was confusing you, after reading this article, we are sure that everything has become much clearer. By paying attention to every little detail, we have covered everything you need to possibly know regarding what wattage to vape wax cartridge. So all that’s left to do is optimize your vaping device on the ideal wattage setting for you and start enjoying a relaxing vape.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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