What Is Full Spectrum Distillate?

When you believe in the magical and potent powers of CBD, the non-psychoactive element of cannabis, you are undoubtedly familiar with the term full-spectrum distillate.

Well, what is full spectrum distillate? 

Many fans of CBD’s healing and nourishing characteristics choose a full-spectrum distillate before anything else. And that’s understandable as the full-spectrum distillate includes all the potentially beneficial cannabinoids in the plant. 

Therefore, this blend may bear many beneficial properties because you don’t only consume CBD but also other valuable cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC, CBN, and even traces of THC. 

Suppose you aren’t sensitive to any particular component of cannabis and are up to consuming a fantastic mixture of wellness ingredients. In that case, full-spectrum distillate may be just what you are looking for. 

What Is Full Spectrum Distillate

What Is Full Spectrum Distillate?

The full-spectrum distillate is a blend of CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenes. It’s a golden-colored, oily extract containing 75% CBD, along with CBG, CBC, CBN, and traces of THC.

To further explain what full-spectrum distillate is, I first have to tell you how full-spectrum distillate is made and which are the most common processes for extracting CBD from the plant. 

There are three main processes of CBD extraction from cannabis, all used in the industry and widely acclaimed as safe, pure, and accurate. 

How is CBD extracted from cannabis plants?

Ethanol extraction process

The first procedure often utilized in making CBD is called supercooled ethanol extraction. Besides being an incredible operation, this process uses supercooled ethanol – thus the name. 

In particular, the plant is put in a chamber, and supercooled ethanol is added. The ethanol impacts the plant and causes the oil and chlorophyll to come out. 

As a result of the collision, there’s a mishmash of the beneficial cannabis elements plus the ethanol. 

Afterward, to remove the ethanol, the mishmash undergoes a process of vaporization in a special chamber. When the ethanol completely evaporates, the outcome is a clean yet unrefined hemp plant extract. 

Finally, the extract undergoes a process of refinement with distillation, and the pure, full-spectrum distillate is ready to use.

CO2 extraction process

Perhaps the most common extraction process is CO2 extraction, which uses Carbon Dioxide to extract the valuable components of the plant. 

In detail, the raw plant material is infused with CO2 when placed in a special chamber. 

When the Carbon Dioxide becomes highly pressured in the chamber and liquidizes, it extracts the essential elements of the plant, such as oils, terpenes, and chlorophyll.

Of course, this raw extract material must be refined through another distillation process to become full-spectrum distillate. 

During this process, the CO2 is heated, and that causes it to be removed from the so-called mishmash. Accordingly, the final product is a full-spectrum distillate. 

CO2 Extraction Process

Butane extraction process 

The last process for extracting CBD from the plant is called Butane Extraction or BHO. BHO means Butane Hash Oil and is practiced by pushing and pressing the raw hemp in a glass cylinder attached to a second glass cylinder. 

In short, a butane torch is fired onto the cylinder. Once the hemp material feels butane’s power, it releases oils, terpenes, and other beneficial components in the second glass cylinder. 

The result is a full-spectrum distillate. 

How is full-spectrum distillate used?

Now that you know how full-spectrum distillate is made and which processes are used for CBD extraction, it’s time to tell you how full-spectrum distillate is used. 

Expectedly, CBD full-spectrum distillate, which contains around 75% of CBD, can be used as it is, and many manufacturers sell it in its “raw” form. 

However, it can also be added to other CBD products, or in other words, infused. Many companies which produce CBD full-spectrum distillate also re-introduce terpenes to the product. 

Remember that full-spectrum distillate is a sticky, oily substance; it often must be combined with other substances to prevent crystallization. 

How is full-spectrum distillate consumed?

As previously mentioned, CBD full-spectrum distillate can be consumed as it is orally. 

It can be added to food, sweets, and liquids and swallowed together. 

Moreover, full-spectrum distillate can be mixed with essential oils and made into a tincture. Users can put this tincture under the tongue for a potent and long-lasting effect.

What Is the Difference Between Full-Spectrum Distillate and Isolate?

CBD isolate is CBD in its purest form. This suggests that every other element from the plant is removed. Its appearance is too distinctive; it’s a crystalline, white, solid substance. 

In contrast, full-spectrum distillate, as I have pointed out earlier, is a blend of CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenes. It’s a golden-colored, oily extract that contains 75% of CBD, together with CBG, CBC, CBN, and traces of THC. 

Rest assured, these traces of THC can’t result in a psychoactive experience because their amount is less than 0.3%. 

On the other hand, the terpenes give the full spectrum of distillate a specific taste and smell. 

CBD isolate may be a genuine remedy for different problems with stress, anxiety, pain, or discomfort. It may provide relaxation and is perfect for those who want only CBD in its purest form. 

On the contrary, full-spectrum distillate is suitable for those who don’t have difficulty consuming a bit of THC and want to feel the complete potential benefits. CBD full-spectrum distillate may have tremendous effects because all elements work synergistically and only underline the plant’s wellness properties. 

Read more: How Long Does Edible CBD Stay in System

What Are the Potential Benefits of Full-Spectrum Distillate?

Finally, this article wouldn’t be complete without mentioning some of the potential benefits of full-spectrum distillate. Knowing its effects is crucial and will help you determine whether full-spectrum distillate will do you good. 

People respond differently to full-spectrum distillate; some may be more sensitive to its possible therapeutic characteristics than others. Finding the perfect dose and discovering your body and mind’s unique needs are paramount. 

In general, the consumption of full-spectrum distillate is closely connected with relaxation, relief from chronic pain, alleviation of anxiety and stress, improvement of depression, increased focus and concentration, and a boost in digestion and appetite. 

Besides, studies show that full-spectrum distillate may regulate blood pressure, boost heart health, control blood sugar levels, treat glaucoma, and reduce seizures and tremors. 

Ultimately, everything depends on the individual, and you can’t expect miracles. It’s simply a supplement that might aid many conditions and be a great addition to a healthy diet. 

Always consult a professional or physician if you suffer from a more complicated condition or undergo a specific prescribed therapy.

Related: What Are the Benefits of CBD Gummy Bears?


I hope this article has uncovered what is full spectrum distillate and answered your questions. 

Now, equipped with knowledge about full-spectrum CBD, you can decide whether you may benefit from its consumption. 

Full-spectrum distillate continues to win people’s hearts, and that shows that the products which contain it result in the anticipated health support. 

Everyone’s experience is different, so you can try it for yourself and see its effects; however, it is best to consult your doctor before doing that.

The distillate is pure, clean, safe to use, and has minor to no side effects. That’s why it has become a number one CBD product, and numerous cannabis lovers continue to pick it over anything else.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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