How to Fix a Burnt Puff Bar

It’s a beautiful day; you enjoy your vaping, and then suddenly, you get that unpleasant, burning sensation down your throat. Your eyes are watering as it feels like you have consumed charred paper. 

Yes, those burnt hits can be quite appalling and annoying, and before you know it, all of your positive energy is gone, just like that but do not despair.

All you need to do is learn how to fix a burnt puff bar. We know this might sound scary, but we assure you it isn’t. 

In continuation, we will provide some tips so that you can continue vaping and enjoying every second of it.

How to Fix a Burnt Puff Bar

Brief Anatomy of the Puff Bar

In order for us to be able to explain it and for you to be able to understand it, we need to take a brief look at the puff bar’s anatomy. 

The puff bar has a pretty basic anatomy, made out of metal rods such as stainless steel, titanium, or nickel-chrome steel. On its end, it has a coil that hits up every time you use your e-cigarette. This heat produced by the coil is used to heat the e-liquid, turning it into a vapor. 

Later, this vapor evaporates through the atomizer and is inhaled by the user.

Related: How Many Hits Are in a 1 Gram Vape Cartridge?

What Causes the Burnt Hit

If you have recently experienced a burn hit, don’t panic. This has happened to everyone, and there is an easy fix to it. 

With our tips and tricks, you can be sure you will stop that from happening ever again. So, let’s see why you felt a burnt taste while enjoying your vape.

First, you must distinguish between a few notions. A wick is the part of your puff bar that can be found in the atomizer coil. This part soaks up the e-liquid from the vapor tank thanks to the cotton inside it. 

The principal function of the wick is to absorb and hold onto the e-liquid until the heat turns that e-liquid to vapor. 

So, here comes the not-so-fun part. If the wick is not fully saturated with e-liquid, it simply burns the cotton and the wick itself altogether when the heat comes. And that is how you get that disgusting burnt taste.

What Causes the Burnt Hit

Reasons for Burnt Puff Bar

There are a few reasons we want to mention why your coil fails and produces the burnt taste.

You do not prime the coils properly

As this is probably the most common issue among e-cigarette vapers, it is only right to mention it first. 

If you do not properly prime your coils before the first use, you won’t like what follows. That burnt taste will be your companion throughout your vaping journey. 

That’s why you need to make sure that you’ve correctly primed the coils. 

By doing this, you make it possible for the wick to get saturated with the e-liquid. Also, you are enabling yourself pleasant and enjoyable vaping.

Chain vaping

The second most common reason for burnt puff bars is chain-smoking. Many ex-smokers are vaping the same way they used to smoke their cigarettes. This means they don’t let the proper amount of time pass between the puffs.

This can be crucial because if you don’t leave enough time between the puffs, you will cause the wick to burn, as it is not properly saturated with e-liquid. 

In other words, the dry wick will easily burn because chain vaping doesn’t give the wick enough time to absorb more e-liquid between the puffs.

Vaping with high wattages

This process is also known as high-power vaping. Before you start vaping, you need to know that not all puff bars are the same. They all use different power and different e-liquids accustomed to them. 

If by any chance, you exceed the recommended power and you also exceed the coil limits, you might notice that your e-liquor will evaporate faster. 

This process will cause the wick to burn as it will not be able to saturate with the e-liquid thoroughly.

Some other reasons that might cause burnt puff bar

Because we’ve seen the main reasons why the puff bar can have a burnt taste, let’s check out a few more reasons that are not that common among the users.

Dirty atomizer head

Not many people know this, but the cause of the burnt taste may also be the dirty atomizer head. So always make sure that you take proper care of your puff bar.

Vape juice running low

If you wait for a long time before refilling your tank, you might run out of e-liquid and cause the wick to burn as it will become dry. So make sure to regularly refill your tank and not to wait until you squeeze the last drop of it.

Cheap or empty batteries

Another reason for burnt puff bars can be cheap batteries or empty batteries. Make sure that you use only top-quality batteries and charge your existing battery regularly.

Vape juice choice

As we have mentioned earlier, if you do not choose the adequate vaping e-liquid, you might encounter some functioning problems with your vaping device.

Clogged or dirty coil

The liquid residue from another e-liquid flavor can cause a mixing of tastes and unpleasant aftertaste. So make sure to always properly clean the coil before using it.

How to Fix a Burnt Puff

After we have taken a look at the most common reasons that cause a burnt puff bar, let’s see what you can do to fix and prevent that unpleasant thing from occurring.

Priming the coil

Priming the coil can be the principal thing you should do before you start vaping. What this means is that you basically moisturize the coil with an e-liquid. 

By doing so, you allow the wick to absorb the liquid and function normally. If you leave the wick dry, it will burn immediately. Keep in mind that you should always do this before using it.

How to prime the coil

In order to pre-saturate the coil, you will have to drip some e-liquid through the side holes. You can tilt and turn a bit your puff bar so that the wick nicely absorbs the e-liquid. You will need only three to four drops for the optimal effect. 

After doing this, you are supposed to leave the puff bar a few hours, or even overnight, before you start using it.

Another important thing you should know is that after priming the coil, you will need to take a few puffs, so-called ‘primer puffs’. These primer puffs mean that without hitting the ignition button, you take a few sharp but short breaths through the device.

Cleaning the coil

Regularly cleaning the coil can be the solution to get rid of the burnt taste. You should do this frequently if you want to improve performance and reduce the prevalence of burnt taste in your vaping device. There are two ways that you can clean your vaping device:

Soaking the coil

The most effective way is to soak the coil in ethanol for several hours. Then, put the coil under some running tap water and blow air into the side of the coal as this helps to get the water in. This will give the optimal results and your coil will be as clean as new.

Swabbing the coil

You can do this by using a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and carefully cleaning the coil from the build-ups and residues.

Put a stop to chain vaping

Chain vaping can cause tremendous and severe damage to your puff bar. If you use the vaping device just like a regular cigarette, that burnt taste may come faster than you expect it. 

As we’ve mentioned earlier, chain vaping leads to drying the wick, and that leads to burning the cotton inside the wick.

How to stop chain vaping

If you are an ex-smoker, this might come more difficult for you, but with regular practice, we are sure that you will successfully stop the vaping chain.

All you need to do is leave a 15 to 20 seconds distance between each hit. By doing so, you are allowing the wick to re-saturate with e-liquid and become ready to be used. 

When the wick is nicely moisturized, you will not have to worry about that disgusting burnt taste.

Another great tip to get rid of the vaping chain is to practice slower and longer hits.

In short, if you follow these tips, we are sure that you will quickly get rid of the vaping chain habit.

Reasons for Burnt Puff Bar

Replacing your coil

If cleaning the coil does not seem to have any impact on the burnt taste, well, then it is time to change the coil. You need to do this regularly so that you avoid wick burning. 

When it comes to how regularly you should change the vaporizer coil, well, that really depends on the amount you are using it. Usually, it is recommended that the coil should be changed every 1-5 weeks.

By doing this, you will prevent your device from burning and you will prolong the enjoyment of using the puff bar altogether.

Additional tips on how to fix a burnt puff bar

  • Always make sure that you use fresh batteries when you charge your puff bar
  • Your device must always be fully functional and charged before you start using it
  • You need to make sure that you are not running low on an e-liquid
  • The vape juice choice is very important so make sure that the liquid you use is suitable for your vaporizing device

Final Word

After exploring some of the most common issues when it comes to burnt puff bars, we are sure that this article will help you fix your vaporizing device. 

If you have any additional questions, you can always contact the manufacturer of your puff bar, as they will have all the technical knowledge regarding this topic.

So, to sum up, in this article, you have all of the answers you need on how to fix a burnt puff bar. All you need to do is read it thoroughly and start making changes in your vaping habits. 

We are sure that in no time, you will be able to finally get rid of that burnt taste and uninterruptedly enjoy your everyday vaping.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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