How to Brew Weed Tea

Weed tea is quickly gaining popularity. Frequent cannabis users drink tea instead of edibles or concentrates. Weed tea is a relaxing beverage created by steeping cannabis in hot water. For millennia, weed tea has been used to treat everything from nausea to chronic pain.

Weed tea, sometimes known as marijuana tea, is simple to create and identical to any other consumable. Some people prefer to create cannabis tea instead of other edibles such as cookies, brownies, or sweets.

This tea is a simple drink that will lift your spirits, whether you want a calm cup of tea to sip while reading a nice book or you’re just looking for a fun project in the kitchen. So, keep reading to find out how to brew weed tea and what its effects are.

How to Brew Weed Tea

How to Brew Weed Tea

Weed tea is an alternative ingestion method to smoking or vaping that you might want to try if you want to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without smoking or vaping. Drinking pot tea will provide the same long-lasting effects as cannabis edibles but without the added calories.

Make your cannabis butter

First, you must prepare your cannabis butter. This is a rather simple procedure involving putting ground cannabis with butter. THC, the active component of cannabis, is not soluble in water, so butter is used. 

Instead, butter provides a greasy material for the THC to attach to. The heat from the boiling water and the fat from the butter allows the THC from the crushed cannabis to soak into the tea.


  • 1/2 gram of cannabis flower, ground into small but not powdered pieces, using a grinder is easiest.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine ground cannabis and 1/2 tablespoon of butter, making sure the cannabis is covered but not soaked in butter.
  • Fill the tea bag halfway with cannabis butter, then flip it over a few times to keep the cannabis butter from pouring out.

Brew the tea

After you’ve prepared your cannabis butter and placed it inside the teabag, it’s time to bring the water to heat. When the water is simmering but not boiling, add in your cannabis-butter-filled teabag.


  • Bring 1 1/2 cup water to a boil in a pot, but do not allow it to reach a full boil.
  • Boil the cannabis butter tea bag for 30 minutes, lowering the heat if the water begins to boil.

Add sweets/tastes

You should now drink your cannabis tea, although this may not be the most delicious tea. To add more taste, you should add another teabag to the flavor of your choice. Add your favorite sweeteners, such as milk, honey, or cinnamon.


  • Add additional teabags of your preference during the final 3 minutes of boiling if you prefer flavored tea.
  • If you want to add honey, milk, or cinnamon, whisk it in after you take it off the heat.
How to Increase the Effectiveness of Weed Tea

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Weed Tea

Despite our best efforts, sometimes the tea doesn’t impress you the way you want or need it to. If your first tea does not have enough THC, there are several ways to increase the amount.


According to several medical patients, Rick Simpson Oil has many medicinal benefits and life-saving capabilities. It’s also extremely potent, to the point where doctors propose weeks-long regiments to build tolerance. RSO has a thick, honey-like texture and an unappealing flavor, but its strength means that you don’t need much of it.

Add kief

When in doubt, pull out the grinder. Kief comprises falling trichomes, resulting in a simple method to increase your dosage. Add them during the steeping phase. Remember that you won’t be able to predict the high because it’s impossible to estimate how much THC is in your kief.

Add tincture

The tinctures available in dispensaries have already been decarbed, so you don’t need to do anything to activate the THC. Since oil and water do not mix well, you should choose a tincture produced with glycerin or alcohol rather than one created with oil.

The Effects of Weed Tea

Weed tea, like edibles, must flow through your digestive system before reaching circulation. Following that, it is processed in the liver. The benefits of weed tea will be felt in 30-90 minutes, based on the weed breed, whether or not you have recently eaten, and your specific endocannabinoid system.

Since the effect takes a while to come into place, you may be tempted to drink more tea. Don’t rush; wait two hours before drinking another cup. You will most likely experience the effects of weed tea for another 7-8 hours.

Also read: How To Make THC Infused Coffee

Does Weed Tea Make You High?

Weed tea, when brewed correctly, will make you high. Making marijuana-infused tea that regularly gives an overpowering high, on the other hand, is not as simple as you might expect. Because of decarboxylation and cannabinoid solubility considerations, accessing THC in the plant can be tricky, but don’t worry. If you learn a few simple concepts, it’s simple from there.

Cannabis plants create the non-intoxicating chemical THCA, which is THC with an additional carboxyl ring that interferes with the high we experience. Decarboxylation is a heating process that converts THCA to THC and activates various therapeutic and psychoactive effects

This may appear difficult, but the heat that is given to cannabis when smoking or vaporizing causes decarboxylation. The process occurs naturally when weed is cooked in the presence of butter or oils. If you choose to decarboxylate your cannabis before adding it to the tea, keep in mind that the optimal duration and temperature for decarboxylation will vary based on the following factors:

  • The moisture (water) content of your product
  • How much product do you apply (dosage)
  • The type of oven you have available (gas or electric)

How Much Weed You Need for the Tea

The amount of weed needed for weed tea depends on how much you’re brewing and how strong you want it to be. If you plan to consume one gram of cannabis flower that contains 20% THC, you could consume up to 200 milligrams. However, you’re unlikely to consume the bud’s full potential owing to digestion and decarboxylation.

If you intend to use dry flowers, you may require more than if you intend to use an infused fat-based product such as butter or oils, as THC is fat-soluble and binds to them better than water. 


Weed tea is an easy and relaxing way to consume weed. However, it is not as simple as simply putting weed buds in boiling water and heating them to a boil. It takes accuracy and the perfect mixture to achieve the desired effect.

When brewed correctly, this tea is said to have a longer-lasting effect than smoking weed, yet it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to kick in. Weed tea may provide an easy and relaxing experience with patience and time.

This type of tea is also a great choice for people who don’t want or want to avoid the risks of smoking but still want the advantages of cannabis. So I hope that by reading this article, you understand how to brew weed tea and its effects and benefits.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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