How to Blow Smoke Rings

Blowing smoke rings is a simple art to master. Without further ado, let us explore the methods of blowing a smoke ring from your mouth. First and foremost, you must grasp how to blow smoke rings before proceeding with the procedures we will provide.

The single smoke ring is a traditional trick that appears very cool, softly floating out of the mouth. There are various options to attempt, such as varied shapes, sizes, and multiples. Some of these methods need just the perfect amount of technique and practice to master. Others will require you to sit down and work hard to improve.

How to Blow Smoke Rings

How to Blow Smoke Rings


The main thing for blowing O’s is an excellent amount of smoke or vapor. That implies you don’t want to inhale all of that smoke into your lungs since you won’t have anything to blow back out.

Inhale the vapor slightly, concentrating it in your throat and mouth rather than your lungs. It may take some work to get this mastered without coughing, but when you do, you’ll be able to produce many more fuller rings.

Form an “O” shape

The most critical step in making smoke rings is to master your O-shape. It’s simple: hold your lips out and form your mouth into an “O.” Imagine you’re saying “hoot,” and that’s the form you need.

The right tongue position is at the bottom of the mouth and towards the back of the throat.

Don’t try expanding your lips to achieve a more extensive “O,” just go with the most comfortable and right feeling form you can. Make a smaller circle for smaller O’s and experiment with different sizes on your own.

Let the smoke out

Don’t release all of the smoke in one go. Rather, exhale only little amounts of smoke from the mouth. This is the secret to creating nice smoke rings.

Do you know that clicking sound your throat produces when you compress it gently? When blowing smoke rings, try to imitate that. This shouldn’t hurt your throat or be too loud; just a tiny contraction and puff of air will be enough.

As you do this, try to maintain your jaw still and your mouth steady, and most crucially, keep your tongue in the back of your throat. It will direct the smoke out in the proper shape while not messing with your O’s.

Advanced Tricks to Blow Smoke Rings

You’ve learned the fundamentals and have begun experimenting with other techniques to blow a smoke ring. You’re all set to move on to the next level. The following set of techniques is the most difficult to master and requires a great deal of patience. If you don’t manage the first time, keep trying.

Double smoke rings

If blowing out an “o” wasn’t amazing enough, try making up two rings at the same time. To do this, position your mouth in the same way you did while practicing how to produce a basic smoke ring. As you inhale the smoke, take a long, deep drag and lay your index finger over your mouth, the tip brushing your top lip.

Part your lips slightly wider on the sides and blow the smoke past your finger using whatever approach suits you best. Once you’ve mastered the method, you’ll be capable of creating rings.

Triple smoke rings

Use the same method described above to blow smoke rings with your finger. Therefore, this time, use two fingers over your mouth to make three gaps. Blow slowly and steadily, as too much force will break or merge the rings.


Anyone who enjoys legendary creatures will enjoy this one. The dragon gives the illusion of a dragon by enabling the vapor to flow via your nose and mouth in two diagonal lines. It is simple to do, but it may take a few tries to get it perfect. 

Inhale normally, dragging your tongue down to move the vapor to the back of your throat. When exhaling, apply extra energy to release it through your nostrils and close your mouth in the center but open the sides and blow.


While this is yet another simple trick, it requires practice, possibly in front of a mirror so that you can modify it. So, do you recall how to make smoke rings? Simply blow a smoke ring and inhale it through your nose — this will provide the illusion of a bullring.


To make the ‘Jellyfish,’ blow a large, thick circle of smoke. When it’s in the air, take a quick drag and gently target the smoke in the middle of the circle. The smoke is pulled into the ring’s center, making a swirling jellyfish.

Advanced Tricks to Blow Smoke Rings


You’ve mastered the art of making circles with your vape, so try making other forms. Although you cannot construct a triangle with your tongue, you can control the ring with your hands. Push it away from you after blowing out a thick and rapid ring. 

Then, when you’re at a slight distance, sweep your hands along both sides at the same time. The action will “flatten” the sides into a triangle for a brief moment before reverting to the original ring.

Tips to Keep In Mind

Remember that mastering the art of blowing smoke rings will take practice and patience. When blowing smoke rings, the perfect balance has your mouth and lips in an “O” form without too much stress or strain around the mouth. However, once you’ve got your ideal smoke ring, there are a plethora of other simple smoke tricks you may master to dazzle your stoner buddies.

Once you’ve mastered how to blow smoke rings, experiment with using your jaw or tongue to move the smoke through your lips and regulate the exhale or form it produces. Try out with different shapes and motions if you’re using jaw movement to control the smoke escaping your lips. 

You’ll be a smoke ringmaster with a vape, some deep breathing, and some practice.

Nick Lewis

I am a young and avid hemp researcher residing in LA, California.I've completed a course in Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Physiology and Medicine from UC Davis Cannabis and Hemp Research Center.I learned the physiological effects of hemp, its underlying mechanisms and its therapeutic values in depth, which prompted me to create this blog as a definitive resource for all things hemp.Here, I provide you with valuable information in the form of reviews, descriptions, and tips with the goal of helping you take a serious and informed look at the rich culture of hemp.

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